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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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.. and give JC any more of a platform? How much more damage can that amateur inflict ?
Haa ha!! True! .. However
He may be an amateur but he does has a mandate. Who wants another four years of the opposition tearing itself apart.
To honest, I'm not sure I relish the next election campaign with him at the helm.
But, I take my hat off to John McDonnell, scariest looking shadow chancellor for a while. He has the look of someone you'd want on your side be in a fist fight.
Or it could be that he is there as he is one of the local councillors pictured on the flyer
Still a muppet
So who did you vote for?
I vote remain. God knows what JC voted after that lifeless and pathetic anti (?) Brexit campaign he dribbled out.

Make no mistake, we're in this Brexit mess because his opposition was appalling and highly possibly disengenous.

How come he gets the blame and not the current PM?

If this thread was giving a platform to her I would be more verocous but that twit Corbyn deserves what he gets. He's ruined the Labour Party. Not just by being an inept leader of monstrous proportions but by hijacking it with momentum which will never chime with the electorate now. He's a moron, happy to be out of power leading a party who's soul purpose was to gain power.

Complete plumb.

The tory's will always be there. Big business will always be represented and overcoming them is hard. It requires compromise and skill and by building a large 'church' of opinion,that's a bit bigger than their church .

He doesn't get it. You don't do that by wearing mao tst tung hats, failing to remember the tory's election manifesto pledges at budget time or by insuring that only people who's politics are stuck in 1976 can lead the Labour Party.

... or by putting up such a crap defence the country falls into the hands of the Brexiteers and the inevitable low tax economy we are heading in because you secretly hope that you might open the back door for Tony Ben nationalist revolution that will do nothing but make everyone poorer as money floods out of the country as it has done every time it has been tried.

PS I've only ever voted labour or green, believe me, if he can't win me over, he's doomed.
Can't remember Tony Benn trying to lead a nationalist revolution. If you mean nationalisation, after the Bank of England, coal, rail and steel were nationalised in the late 1940s Britain entered one of the longest periods of economic growth on record with near full employment and hugely increased tax revenues as more people were earning and paying.

Tony Benn, Dennis Skinner, Jeremy Corbyn  - all thoroughly good guys who were / are too honest to succeed as politicians. I'd vote for any one of them if I had the chance.

Didn't see Mr Remain on the ballot paper for the leader of the Labour Party. As John said, you don't think that maybe Mr Cameron betting on a referendum was what gave us the result then?
If you want to nationalise all our industries and make a 1980's version of Haringey council run the country and think that will solve all our ills, you have to get elected first and that isn't going to happen with Jeremy useless Corbyn and his Momentum Muppets at the helm.

JC and the MM's are Theresa's May's greatest asset.



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