Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Thanks for posting your event, but just before you do......

The events posting feature is primarily aimed at helping local people advertise events. HOL users want as much stuff included as possible and to try and keep things ticking along, we have a little guidance on how things should be posted.

1. Pictures

1. Do add a picture for your event if you can; this really helps the event to stand out. If you're really pushing the boat out, it's even better if your picture makes it clear exactly what the event is.

2. Events Lasting over several days

We want lots of events added. However, most events are just for one or two days and longer entries hog the top spot on the front page forthcoming events summary and end up frustrating users who have to plough through the same events as the pile up at eh top of the listings. So, to keep things user friendly, if you want to list an event that lasts for longer than two days, please observe the following guidance:

  • If the event is for one week or less, add it as a two day event point out in the body of the entry what the duration is.
  • If the event is for longer than a week, please add a one-day entry for the first day of every week your event is running and again you can point out in the body of the entry what the duration is.

You can easily copy an event and change just the date information. Please see here for guidance on how to copy your event.

3. Commenting on Adverts to Promote them in Latest Activity

Please note that any events which are in our view promoted by the poster adding a comment to their own posts are liable to be deleted without notice. 

4. Events as Adverts

We allow postings that are advertising genuine events which are pay-to-participate for commercial gain, but please observe our guidance about postings over two days. 

We do not allow ANY services to be advertised in the events section. Unless it's a genuine event, please don't list it in events. For the site's general policy on events please see our Promoting your Business page. You can add a sponsored thread for just £15.

5. The Use of Invitations 

Event invitations are in general for the use of people who you know or who've asked to be kept up-to-date with stuff you're running. Please do not randomly select recipients and attempt to broadcast your event to people unknown to you. Such activity is likely to get your membership suspended.


Last updated: 15th June 2017


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