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Huge Swathes of Harringay Earmarked to 'Accommodate Majority of Development in Borough'


Last year in looking at the huge development planned in Harringay by Hornsey Station, I did a bit of digging round council policies and discovered that in various ways the application fell foul of Council plans and policies.

The planning application was refused, but it's being resubmitted and tonight there's a developer-run consultation meeting. In checking something on that, I came across a the Draft Site Allocations Development Plan document which shows that the site has been earmarked a a "Housing Trajectory Site".

Housing Trajectory sites are sites of over 0.25Ha in size which do not require an allocation. This may be because the site already holds planning consent, or be- cause the Council believes their delivery can be adequately managed using poli- cies contained in the 2006 UDP or its future replacement, the Development Management DPD, when the site comes forward. 

To the cynic this may sound like a planning application is a done deal.

That was surprise enough. Imagine my surprise, however in the remainder of the document I saw I saw quite how much of Harringay is also included in this category or in the "Site Allocation" category these latter are "key development sites which will accommodate the majority of development in the borough over the next 20 years". 



For the avoidance of doubt, there's:

1. The Hornsey Station Development

2. Jewsons on Wightman Road

3. Vale Rd

4. Arena Retail Park

5. "Greater Ashfield Road"

6. St Ann's Hospital.

I'm not quite sure of the implications of this, but I think a few of us ought to get interested sharpish. There's a consultation period ending on Feb 28th. It's up for discussion in the area forum - Tuesday, 21st January.

Full DPD document attached.

Tags for Forum Posts: local plan, local plan 2014, site allocation plan

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Thanks for this Hugh. I have had a look and can't seem to find anything about the Jewsons site?  Where does it mention this area?



Look at the map on P120. You can see it marked as a Housing Trajectory area.

Dear All

The next St. Ann's and Harringay Area Forum and Committee is next Tuesday 21 January , 6.30pm at Chestnuts Primary School. These Area Action and Site Allocation plans are on the agenda. Cllr Joe Ejiofor is coming who is the Cabinet member for Planning.  Come and have your say. Every formal comment will count towards the public enquiry on these plans. 

Link to meeting details here: 


Zena Brabazon

Cllr, St. Ann's Ward

Chair, St. Ann's and Harringay Area Forum and Committee

This is frightening! Very very worrying. To lose the Garden would be terrible and then to be living in a street which becomes an access road to a shopping centre…. perhaps I should think about selling up sharpish. No doubt there will some compulsory purchases and demolitions. Not only on this part but also others in the plans that Hugh has discovered (well done Hugh… you are are own local Sherlock) 

Hi all

On the bus, about a year ago, coming back from a class. Me to class-mate: '...bla bla I work at the Chocolate Factory, Wood Green.' Man sitting behind us to both of us: 'What *is* the Chocolate Factory, exactly?' Me to him: 'Artists' studios. Why? What's your interest? Are you an artist? Are you looking for space?' Him: 'No, I work for something or other London Authority. We've been looking at for development as housing.' Me, (horrified): 'But why? Over 300 artists work there and goodness how many other people who are not artists but running other businesses. We'll have no-where to work. It's not easy to find space in North London etc etc. How long have we got?' Him: 'Oh god. At least ten years. Probably forever.' Me: 'I hope you're right.'

I'm very glad indeed to see that HOL people are taking an interest in this. Thank you so much for the alert, Hugh and all of you who have responded expressing concern. We do need more housing. We desperately need it. But I cant understand the rationale of making large numbers of people unemployed -even if only temporarily - and, quite possibly, destroying some peoples' business because the cost of relocating in London is so high, in the process. It's not a sensible swap.

The problem is that the kind of businesses that you find at the Chocolate factory are difficult to categorize so it is easier to put houses there to hit housing targets. You can then promote retail chains elsewhere despite he fact that some of these businesses minimize tax by having their head offices in Ireland or "off shore". It is just easier for planners and I don't envy them - the lazy box ticking option. Council resources are more and more stretched and the bureaucrats aren't REALLY concerned with actually solving the problems. They are interested in ticking their objectives box to show results in the short term.
It has all become very perverse. Displace the problems for some one else to deal with. Cynical.....YES!!!!!!

Such a shame - the Chocolate Factory is great for that very reason. 

Thanks, JJB, it's useful to know that. I hope that the current owners, Workspace Ltd, are using their considerable clout to keep the buildings. I've heard that there was an article in the FT last weekend. I need to dig it out to find out more. Forewarned is forearmed etc.

I'd definitely recommend taking the time to read through the plan (linked in the original post). The Chocolate Factory is mentioned specifically:

"Enhance the cultural quarter through limited conversion of this site predominantly to enhance small scale business/workshop use. Improvement of the public realm, and enhancing community facilities to serve the growing population in this area."

will this re development of the Arena site include finally having a separate entrance and an exit for cars to the sainsbury's I think this problem really should be addressed urgently above any other "regeneration"

But Jude see the comment from Ruth above - I agree that the access situation is crazy but any solution will most likely involve people who live in the affected roads seeing their road change entirely. I'd not be over the moon.

I can see both sides to this one - Green Lanes' traffic is continually disrupted by the queue of cars coming in and out of the car park, which presumably would be reduced by half if there was a separate gate. Try waiting for a bus on GL at weekends near the arena and you'll quickly see how bad it gets. 



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