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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Haringey want to extend ALL two-hour CPZs across the entire borough.

See this pdf on the Haringey Council website.

They have slipped this in quietly under the Muswell Hill and Fortis Green consultations.

Very underhand.

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That situation full day in one street and two hour in a neighbouring street does not arise as the main railway line divides the east of the borough - normally daily parking limits from the west of the borough where a two-hour limit to discourage commuter parking applies.  This is disingenuous in an extreme blaming the sale of parking permits in Tottenham, full day and event parking, for the withdrawal of hourly permits from the west of the borough...

Haringey is a borough with high pollution and areas suffering from excessive traffic congestion. As part of a London-wide transport strategy, Haringey is committed to reducing car use in the borough with a focus on short car trips and so reduce pollution, accidents, and delays to buses.

This is interesting, isn't it, that their answer is to target short trips inside the borough with a policy which, coincidentally, makes them more money. Research has shown over and over again that Haringey residents are *less* likely to own and use a car than other boroughs, and that congestion and pollution is brought into the borough by drivers driving through Haringey.

Surely the best policy for less pollution and congestion would be to target drivers from outside the borough with traffic calming and closing rat runs, while investing in cycling infrastructure? 

Ha, if you read the documents they sell it to traders as increasing turnover in the parking spots.

Q: I am a local trader, how will extending CPZ hours benefit me?
A: Pay to park bays increase the turnover of parking spaces and therefore help customers to find a parking space.

"I am a local trader, where will I park if I can't park outside my shop?". Fixed it.

Where is that "like" button on comments!?

Use public transport or a bicycle. I live here, disabled, and can’t always park near my home even with a bay cos traders and shoppers are parking, this isn’t fair and needs to stop. 

they are looking at traffic as a whole but short journeys are an issue especially school runs where a lot of parents get in a car when they only live 5 to 10 minutes walk from school. This will help reduce pollution and more healthy for both parents and kids so I’m for one in favour

I think you might have got the wrong end of the stick with this.  I’ve looked at the documents on the Haringey website and the one you link to seems a standard one that is included as a package of documents for individual consultations on single CPZs.  It was used for the the Fortis Green CPZ consultation and the Muswell Hill CPZ consultation, both of which ended in March.  It not about changing all CPZs in the borough.

Because that’s what they are doing, starting with Muswell Hill and Fortis Green.  People living and trading in each CPZ have to be consulted about any changes to CPZ arrangements.  The bulk of 2 hour CPZs are in the west of the borough.  You can access a map of CPZs and operational hours from the link below


And hourly parking permits are being withdrawn without consultation in favour of daily permits - next stop, daily parking zones and the borough's enforcement staff can ticket when they want rather than have to patrol each two-hour zone as they do at the moment.  It is, as usual, all for the convenience and enrichment of Haringey - this council must GO...

Can you share the link where this is as I can’t see anywhere where Haringey are getting rid of hourly permits in favour of daily. In fact daily’s are being restricted to 2 so I think somewhere there is miscommunication. As I said the council is looking at withdrawing the paper 1 hourly to digital which is different so if you know different please share the link so people can object or agree before consultation finishes

I think you need to clearly read what they are proposing as it is not exactly as is stated here. As far as hourly they are not being removed. The restrictions are to put people off from parking all day in streets like mine near the shops and the tube. Also restricting permits will stop shops selling them at increased price. Haringey is thinking of withdrawing the paper permits to a digital type like the way you use pay and display bays which withdraw paper tickets. This is a great idea. There is a consultation going in so if you disagree go to site and voice your opinion before 24th June. 



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