Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Recent disquiet about Rubbish and waste issues on Harringay Online led to one member asking the Ladder residents' group to host a meeting about it.

Ian Sygrave gathered a handy group of folk from Haringey Council and Veolia to attend. At the meeting last week they set out their stall and responded to a wide range of residents' concerns.

The meeting was a well-attended as local residents' meetings go and there was plenty of involvement in what was a well-run event. I thought it was useful both in distilling the general sense of what the primary issues are as well as getting clear and unequivocal commitments from Haringey and Veolia on dealing with them.

Whilst the causes of rubbish are too complex to be fully covered in a relatively short residents' meeting, the group did appear to reach a consensus on what the key issues are. 

Whilst Haringey admitted that they have no magic wand to resolve the issues, their response seemed pretty clear to me and by and large constructive. Almost without exception, for every type of incident, either at the meeting or afterwards in my exchanges with them, they made a commitment to resolve each issue within, what I think seems to be a reasonable time-frame. 

To enable them take action, the Council need to be made aware of issues as and when they happen on an ongoing basis. With the current financial constraints, it's an approach that calls for residents to get involved and to be prepared to interact with the Council to mobilise resources, but surely it's worth giving a go.

So, following the meeting, I liaised with Haringey. Then, with their agreement I drew up a list of all the rubbish disposal issues that were raised at the meeting. For each issue I've set out the Council's commitment to deal with the issue, along with the available contact channels. I sent the list to the Council for comment and approval and they have approved it today. In effect they've signed off on the commitments it records.

It's certainly an advance for me. Bar anything I may have missed, there is now clarity on what issues we can report, how to report them, what the Council will do about it and how quickly. 

One of Haringey's waste disposal bosses said, "If you come across any of these issues, all you have to do is contact us and we'll get it sorted". I believed that he meant what he said. So let's test it out. Got a waste problem? Find it on the list and report it!

It may be an idea for people to share successes or failures they encounter, both here and/or at future LCSP meetings.

The list is attached below.

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The ability to physically touch and move the pin is random Hugh, sometimes I can pick it up immediately, other times it takes ages- I know, I have sausage fingers...

Yup, I seem to remember trying once and never bothered again. That's why I now give a short location in the additional info section if necessary.

8. "bins are still being left in gateways". Yup, every b****y week. (Black bin mob OK, green bin lot not). Bin is left for them level with the food waste bin, not up by the front door.

On the flip side, my green bin was returned to where it should have been but my black bin was left in the street.

I agree Gordon. This seems to have got worse this year. I've had several instances of bins just being chucked on their side on top of plants in my garden. Today one of my bins was left on the street. 

Higgeldy-piggledy on my property is okay; left on the street (now we have to pay for any replacement) or thrown onto plants in my garden is not. Whilst I'd rather that bins were put back in place, it's not a big deal for me if they're left on the pathway. I just move them back.

I was quite surprised to hear the other week at the meeting that Veolia had an enforceable standard on this. I'd be interested to read what would happen if you reported your issue, Gordon. My sense would be that this would be low on the list of priorities. BUT, we were made a prumise the other week. So I wonder.....

Last year, I had a few instances of food waste not being collected, despite being in good order. After I'd made several reports, I noticed that shortly after the bin-men had been a supervisor came and peered into my bins, I assume to check that they'd been emptied. This continued for a few weeks. That did at least tell me if you raise an issue enough times, it does seem to get followed up. Perhaps more importantly, a collection hasn't been missed since.

For me the big issue with them being left on the pathway is that it's a clear indicator that no-one has been in the house since bin day. As someone who travels away quite a bit with work this is obviously an issue.

Yes, that's a good point. That's occurred to me in the past, but hadn't come to mind when thinking about this earlier. Thank you for underlining that.

Hi Andrew

That's exactly my concern as well. Maybe we need an HOL thread for arranging replacing bins while travelling!

Exactly, I'm fortunate to be able to leave the bins down the side of my house if I'm away on collection day.  No way I'm leaving them out so that veolia can leave them in the middle of my path, tipped up on my lawn  - or next door as has happened on a dozen + occasions - even though house number is painted on the side of both bins

Is it? Could just as easily mean from a thief's perspective that you are in and haven't left the house yet. 

If it's still there a few days after though it will start to look a bit out of place.

I've also added a Report Rubbish button on the front page to enable easy access to the contacts list and this discussion.



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