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They should be collecting. No need to request. Perhaps start by calling them on 020 8885 7700. If you get no joy, then rope in one of our councillors.
Get a Harringay Ward councillor on the case.
Hi KTwok
I am one of the Harringay ward councillors and am happy to take this up. What you describe sounds absurd.
Please email me with all the details including your address and the email correspondence you have with Veolia and the Council. The names of any officers you have contacted would also be helpful.
My contact details are: zena.brabazon@haringey.gov.uk
Tel: 07812677710
Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay Ward
Hi Michael
I can find that out! There are new enforcement arrangements with a new team following a 'restructure'.
I should be getting the details through imminently which I will share. Remind me if I forget.
All the best
Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay Ward
Whilst I empathise with the situation of the OP, I find it curious that a councilor readily jumped in to assist; whereas neither her nor any of the others for Harringay to my knowledge (and I would stand happily corrected if I am mistaken) were anywhere to be found during the lengthy and deeply discussed multiple discussions on this site concerning the Green Lanes Transport matter--which is the issue that by far matters most to all residents.
" all residents " ? I personally don't care much about the transport study, being somewhat cynical about the likely outcome, but I care deeply about rubbish collections.
I imagine the councillors were careful to hold back on commenting on the Study precisely because of their position, in that their views might be seen to carry more weight than those of " ordinary " residents. Given that the opinions expressed are pretty much 50/50 for and against Option 4, the councillors would be subject to personal attacks from one or other side. I think they have been wise to refrain.
The 50 or so posts you proffered on the subject among the various threads would suggest you do care about the transport study.
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