After it was discovered at the St Ann's Labour Party selection candidate selection meeting that there were people present and voting who should not have been, I came home from the pub (where I'd heard about it) and wrote this article. It has subsequently been edited by site admins to remove the names of people who were embarrassed or in the final case where a journalist said it was potentially libellous. Well here I will attempt to summarise what we have subsequently found out and hopefully take people's attention away from my original appalling rant.
*An individual has asked that their name be replaced with their function in this post on the grounds that they are not seeking public office. This has been done.
Tags for Forum Posts: election2014, labour, st ann's labour, stanns
I have literally begged some of my neighbours to join the Labour Party locally because they are not trusted to select candidates fairly and more members would mitigate this. They almost always cite the Iraq war (20/3/2003) as the reason that they left the party in the first place and will not go back. I appreciate that their manifesto did not say "we'll avoid resource wars" but the fact that Britain's usual method of holding governments in office to account (massive street protests) did not work shows that something is very wrong with democracy. Just look at the fortifications around Westminster since then if you need any confirmation.
All I can say is that I am proud of my party rules. The biggest insult is to the residents of Woodside where the Liberal Democrats have fielded a candidate who lives in a borough that does not even have a border with Haringey. In West Green they have fielded 2 candidates from outside the borough and that tells me what Liberal Democrats in Haringey think of people living on Broadwater Farm.
Emine Ibrahim
Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)
But the party rules have been broken, Emine. A load of people who live outside Haringey joined to select Ali Gul Ozbek, Barbara Blake and Peter Morton, giving their addresses as shops where they neither live, nor are registered to vote. There's no evidence they even work there, actually.
Five people took part in a selection they had no right to be in and then the party just ignored it. The candidates, who have never once denied that there were dodgy dealings at their own selections, are just looking shifty and making a dash for the finish line. They will never be able to say they are the rightful candidates in the ward and their lack of integrity is shameful. They, and Sheila Peacock for that matter, should do the decent thing and step out of the way. There are plenty of hardworking, effective and, above all, honest people who could be Labour councillors in their place.
I have posted two updates for HoL readers about and other peoples’ efforts to get the Labour Party to apply its own rules and to act in a right and ethical manner. Links here and here
To summarise the Party simply refused to act, with the same responses coming from members of the National Executive Committee, including the Chair. This is the same Angela Eagle MP who was very quick to remark on the need for integrity when it came to criticising Maria Miller for her expenses.
So if integrity is the issue when dealing with your opponents, it should be the basic moral principle and starting point for the Labour Party in managing its own affairs and selections.
The selection process in St. Ann’s was unacceptable and it is a disgrace that neither Barbara Blake nor Peter Morton were ready to join us in calling for a rerun when the rule breaking was first exposed. Had they done so, I am sure a rerun would have been agreed. They would have earned the respect from many people, including me. They may have been selected legitimately. And I would have supported them whether selected or not. Instead they went along with it and are now part of the rottenness permeating the local party.
Zena Brabazon
Cllr, St. Ann's Ward till May 22nd
The point is Emine, that these people are not almost guaranteed to be elected, far from it. The fact that you don't get that worries me.
All that doorstepping that you have been doing as part of the party machine that will effectively impose its candidates on many ward in the borough is rather an affront to democracy given that nobody else can do it.
The philosopher Martin Buber retold a story about Rabbi Susya, who became afraid as he approached death.
He friends teased him, "Are you afraid you'll be judged because you weren't Moses?" "No," the rabbi replied: "Because I was not Susya".
So Emine be yourself. Be judged by your own principles and conduct. You are an excellent, lively, intelligent, principled, Labour candidate. I very much hope you are elected in Harringay ward.
In other Haringey wards let the sheep defend the sheep.
(Tottenham Hale ward councillor 1998-2014. Labour Party member 40 years +)
Besides, Emine, there has long been a vague rumour going the rounds that your stable-mate, Gina Adamou, is a resident of Harringay Ward. But how could one possibly prove that? It shakes my long held belief in the desirability of residency. She may, however, like the Holy Spirit, be immanent rather than resident. She cannot, then, need our votes.
Not quite - as I understand it (from the sidelines), a candidate for a council seat just needs to live in the borough, not in the ward. However the candidates (mostly three per ward) are selected by the local party members who do live in the ward and have been living there and registered to vote, at a cutoff date some time before the selection meeting - this should avoid loads of people signing up to the Party at the last minute. Members sign in at the Party meeting where candidates are selected. The ward membership should have been checked against the electoral roll before that meeting, by the ward secretary. A pretty straightforward process, no?
Hi Pam and Therese
I posted a comment in reply to Bethany's question about the St. Ann's selection and breaches of the party rules. Here's the link.
What an utter disgrace that not one of the three candidates is black. Further, where is the disabled candidate? The local Labour party should hang their heads in shame. They were too busy discriminating in favour of one candidate in particular and totally missed an oppurtunity to have the black community and the disabled community put in a more positive role in St Anns Ward. Voters would do well to remember this on Thursday. They have wrecked the Ward with the selection scandal and cant even get a true representation of who actually LIVES in this community. No good choosing a token black person or a token disabled person to work as gophers in an administrative capacity, its too late. Disgraceful.
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