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THE newly stated policy to clamp down on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, by the Labour Leader, is welcome. But given his party's links to bet365, how credible is it?

Daily Mail article

Tags for Forum Posts: Bet365, Coates, FoBT, Hunt, Labour, Milliband, donation, £400000

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With great respect you come across as patronising.  Your use of phrases such as

' a wise security measure' 'Neither approach is wrong' 'Anonymity can also protect people'

makes me feel you're just pontificating, avoiding the issue.

You keep generalising, setting my views up as generic and applicable globally, then get distracted arguing a general principle, criticising me for breaking rules you construct - you sound as if you're talking to yourself as both judge and jury.

It's a bit rich of you to cite anonymity as worth defending when you are posting anonymously - go on, admit it, you are in no need of protection for views you express here.

If you can, without elaborating on general principles, just explain to us exactly why you personally are posting your not-very-personal-or-contentious views anonymously? Is it, to take from your post above:

a) 'a wise security measure'?  Think this through - we have nothing to fear but fear itself...

b) 'people that could use that information to prejudice or discriminate against you'. Come on, nothing you are writing or have written is remotely risky is it? If so, what?

c) 'fleeing from domestic violence' - please confirm that this is not you

d) 'not to entirely expose themselves online' - you are afraid that, by commenting on others' posts in the way you do, you will 'entirely expose yourself'? Seriously?

Basically, are you afraid of changing your account name to your real name (or creating a new account in your real name if you don't already have one) and, if so, what of?

How can you say " With great respect " and ( you are ) " patronising " in the same sentence ?

Perhaps, Chris, you should put up your real pic as your avatar so we can recognise you in the street ?


Is this you ?

If it is you, you can see how dangerous it is to give your name in clear.

If it's some other Chris Setz, you can see how dangerous it is to give your name in clear.

I cant speak for FPR but im happy to share my reasons for staying anonymous online

1. there is a small proportion of nutters in the world and I don't want someone turning up on my doorstep because they've decided I need to be punished for something I said in passing ten years ago.

2. Anyone who has spent any time trying to discuss complex, tricky or emotional ideas online knows how easily one's words are taken and misrepresented. For example, you yourself say a few posts above "human rights is so silly". Very easy for me to take that put of context, throw some emotive associations around which others will weigh in on, and trigger so much noise that what you actually said would be completely lost in the weight of people condemning you for what they thought you said. And it would be there forever, your name attached to something horrible and only a google away. And the worst thing is, the people who do this aren't even deliberately trying to misrepresent you, they just misinterpret you very very loudly!

So paranoia isn't the only reason for anonymity. Its also a sensible protection against good old fashioned stupidity.

Completely agree with your reasonable fears and accept that you have a good point, but I hope it doesn't apply to this site.  Is there really a risk that, as a result of posting an honest opinion here, a nutter will call?  I really don't think so.

This is a site for neighbours, people who live near to one another and want to get to know each other better.

>> "human rights is so silly"

Do you stop talking to people because misreported gossip will harm you?

I completely accept that there are uncountable risks in everything we do, but to remain anonymous because you might suffer is bringing everyone else down too.  This 'no smoke without fire' thing has always harmed us and yet there are many passionate people on this site who post about 'complex, tricky or emotional ideas'

Are you aware of any incident at all that has arisen because of contentious HoL posts?  I uphold the right of anyone to be open about hard-to-write stuff that has their name attached -that's the sort of society worth having, isn't it?  Not one were ordinary people are too frightened to tell the truth.

Why not open an account in your real name so that you can tell the truth if you deem it risk-free, and one to hide behind? Then at least you'll add to the reals and diminish the fakes.

I am not a fake. I choose not to use my real name. If you give my opinions less weight because of it that's your prerogative: it does not make me any less of a complete human. I find it interesting that you find it hard to attribute as much weight to a human whose name you don't know as one you do.

The capacity for "misreported gossip" is infinitesimal compared to the archived, attributed and searchable Internet. And of course when I talk to people face to face I can take account of who I am talking to and easily pick up and manage misunderstandings before they run away from me in a way which you just cannot do to an unknown online audience.

Many blind studies have shown people react differently to job applications from male names vs female, black vs white etc. Perhaps I don't want to give my name so I know you can't be letting your subconscious colour how you perceive my words.
Very well said
Chris, there are lots of people who don't use their names on this site but use nick names or whatever. I've no problem with this. I for one couldn't imagine not having the wit and wisdom of Old Age Emporium on this site (and I'm not being sarcastic OAE). I don't think someone should have to have a special reason for doing it. If that is what they want, fine.
I do think though that those with what could be seen as a vested interest or have a position in a political party or forum should declare it, as our ward councillors, neighbouring ward councillors and people like Rob Tao from the traders' association are always are careful to do.

Thanks Michael - hope nothing I write is going to put people off using HoL in any way they see fit - not my intention to create or enforce any rules, I'm just giving my reaction to a politically-motivated post.

I know you shouldn't feed the trolls it's just that this guy seems like a regular person and I honestly am mystified why anyone would remain anonymous if, like almost all of us, they enjoy HoL as an exchange of views that builds relationships. I actually do know some of the regular posters (met them at the excellent HoL socials) and those with soubriquets seem to have started because it felt right at the time and now couldn't be bothered to change.

Pace OAE, I think it does harm us a bit if the fakes grow in number. The appalling hate-tweets against women for instance would be fewer were people attaching their real names.  There seems to be something about anonymity that gives people a licence to abuse our trust in their good faith and generally to misbehave.  The law is catching up with them though.

There's a European and local election coming up in May, then a general one next year. I hope we'll have a chance to be  open and truthful about why we're voting whichever way we're voting, and thus how we can help improve things.

It just felt to me as if rent-a-mob chimed in to rubbish the object of their disdain and that wasn't good.

I'd like everyone on HoL who doesn't need protection to come out of the closet - the more real people here, the better. I presume that, if you do express negative political views anonymously, they're not worth reading.

Interesting that you mentioned "the appalling hate tweets against women" from the perspective of the men protected by anonymity rather than the women liberated by it.

Pace OAE, I think it does harm us a bit if the fakes grow in number.The appalling hate-tweets against women for instance would be fewer were people attaching their real names.

Pace "Chris Setz", si praenomine cognomineque quam "Chris Setz" post partum poenas dedissem, nomen calami vel belli statim mihimetipsi assumpsissem.

Senectutis Emporium (Eques Equo Privato Primi Classis)  . . . and if  Mark Pack is still looking for a Roman blind expert . . . ?

Posting a real (if rather flattering) picture of myself was my decision as one of the main reasons I originally started using this site was to get to know neighbours so the picture helped with that. However, if people don't want to I perfectly understand.
I think that this site is very good at policing itself and people posting any offensive, obscene or threatening are quickly dealt with by the online community.



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