Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just to warn you all. Last night a man rang my door bell and asked if I had "received the paper work about the local telephone exchange being upgraded?" Then he asked if I had a landline. This sounded familiar to me from doorstep scam discussions on HoL - thank you HoL for a true community service - so I got rid of him quickly. I presume it is some kind of phone selling scam. I would not have answered the door if I hadn't been expecting a friend. I live on Beresford.

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This doorstep telephone scam is nationwide. I was up in Coventry a few weeks back and someone at the door asking the same question. I said my (imaginary) husband dealt with things like that and then closed the door. I alerted the people who live in the house who were out at the time about it. I thought they were checking if anyone was in for possible break in? Unless they are trying to sell something or just get access to the house to have a snoop around. 

This is pretty worrying. Please alert your neighbours not on HoL if you can especially elderly people who might be a bit more trusting and get sucked in! 



I might take the tactic of saying "hold on a moment", then going to grab my SLR and flash gun, before taking a few pictures, should any miscreant knock on my door.


We've had the odd collection scam, and the utility people before, but not this telephone guy on our road (Allison). Maybe we all need to take photos of these folk, and put up a wall of shame...


I'm happy to pay for and register the domain doorstepscammers.com, and provide hosting for the site, if anyone's got the html jiggery pokery to help out? Then it would just need people to submit photos and a description of the scam. Maybe we could get some signs put up "Unwanted callers will be posted on doorstepscammers.com" at the end of each road, near the neighbourhood watch thingies... Just a quick idea, probably a crap one ;)

A flickr group should do the trick nicely.
great idea! it would definately do the trick! :)

Was it a silver or grey car?


Did one of them have short (no.1) blond hair? Was he wearing a grey hooded top?


If anyone else sees this duo please take down their NUMBER PLATE.

He's a different man to the one who came to my door. Are there teams of them?
There must be teams of them given that my experience of it was in Coventry! This is very worrying. Should we alert the local police/wardens about this? I fear for the older people who might think it's for real.
The 'telephone guy'  that visited me was Asian, early twenties.
My guy was a smartly dressed black youth with black tie white shirt, polished shoes and bomber jacket with a number 1 buzz cut.  Age approx 17-18.

I had a brief chat with Trading Standards about this, who thought the lack of ID made it unlikely this is an opening sales pitch from a legitimate company. Has anyone asked the man directly, 'What exactly are you selling'?

They suggested that if people are worried about these callers, they should speak to their local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Thanks Alan. They use the patter of checking up that a change of line rental has gone through ok... maybe they are trying to sell fake phone lines?


Ruth, whatever the reasons, I share your concerns about houses being empty, or vulnerable older people etc. Have a chat with your SNT. Better safe than sorry.



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