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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi, I recently moved into Beresford Road and am surprised to hear train rumble noises - which I didn't notice when I viewed the flat. They are very frequent, so am thinking these are tube trains. Is not a big problem and I will probably get used to it.
Do you notice them, have you got used to them, and do you think it is tube or overground trains?

Tags for Forum Posts: noise pollution, piccadilly line, train noise, tube, tube map

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Perhaps equally likely to be heavy vehicles going over the speed bumps on the road at the front of your house - as far as I know the tube's routed pretty much directly underneath Green Lanes (happy to be corrected by any more experienced transport geeks ;) ).
Are you down the Green Lanes end of the Ladder? I often hear the tube trains going underground when I'm in my house, its a low rumble noise that tails off into the distance. If its quiet, particularly early mornings I can also hear the brakes. It doesn't worry me, its become part of the general ambient sound and its only when other people point it out that I'm conscious of it.
(The noise and the shaking from heavy vehicles going over the speed bump outside is totally different and it does worry me particularly with the ever increasing cracks at the front of the house)
Yes that'll be the tube trains. If you stand at any business long enough on GLs (eg. a pub!) you get the same thing you're describing.

As to the cracks in people's houses up & down the 'ladder' resulting from heavy vehicles going over the humps; sounds like it's time to do a little survey to see just how many houses are being affected.
Ha! Only the ones with speedhumps outside their houses.

It would be ok if they enforced the access restrictions.
This map purports to show where the tube lines run. Not sure how accurate it is.
Thanks for replies, yes I am at Green Lanes end and sure the noise (well described by Maggie) is tubes not lorries.
See new post here.
We're just up from the middle of Beresford and I haven't noticed that noise, just the aforementioned heavy vehicles. I notice it when standing at the bottom though!
The noise is caused by trains carrying heavy loads. I hear something about a petition going around that residence were signing because the trains affected local properties. My friend's flat shakes when the train goes past and she has suffered cracks in her walls from the vibrations.
It's probably a mixture of all of these! but most likely tubes.
I live in a 1st floor flat but still notice the tubes. they have become part of my life in a good way really- I sometimes hear the first one of the morning and think, oh, it's not time to get up yet but it's morning and al is well with the world. Then at night, when in bed again (that's where I hear the most) I think of all the late night revellers packed in there, and feel glad I'm not there but safe at home instead.
It was very poignant after the July bombings in 2005 because suddenly they stopped and there was no Piccadilly line for weeks. I lay in bed and longed to hear them again especially in the early days when people were still missing and the silence was terrible knowing what had happened and what the search teams were likely to find. I was relieved when they began again, another sign that we carry on, life was returning to normal.
so, you see, the sounds of the city.... lots of stories there!
I'm quite near the bridge so we get the tubes underneath AND the freight through Green Lanes Station. When that's travelling at speed (which I'm sure must be just plain WRONG) My laptop screen wobbles, bottles clink and the plants sway. As long as the house doesn't fall down... Welcome to the area.
I also live near the bridge and sometimes it is a bit disconcerting and it effects my telly! But the planes overhead bother me more. The good thing about the ash cloud was the peace and quiet above



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