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Share your pictures of the best blossom in the neighbourhood with us. I'll start

Railway Fields

Umfreville Road

Pemberton Road

Tags for Forum Posts: blossom watch, hanami, nature notes, railway fields

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This is such a lovely invitation, Liz And of course you introduced me and many others to the Japanese word hanami.  (About which I am trying to stir curiosity in our three marvellous granddaughters.)

Currently my eyesight is poor and as a result so is my photography. But I'd like to encourage others to pick up the challenge. How wide is the "neighbourhood"?

I have a worry that the pressure (and temptation) to build/extend/infill/demolish and over-tower every scrap of land may be leading to serious loss of tree cover in back gardens and elsewhere. Might we end up with a sort of "Potemkin" illusion when adding street trees gives a false impression of steady progress. But concealing an overall loss?

In effect making street trees like Joni Mitchell's Tree Museum. Prices updated in 2007 as you know.

  They took all the trees
  Put ’em in a tree museum
  And they charged all the people
  An arm and a leg just to see ‘em’.

Sussex Gardens, with bonus clematis armandii

Great thread!

Magnolia, my garden. It's been a great year for it this year, for the last couple of years I've had only a few flowers.

Umfreville. These posies of blossom straight out of the trunk are an arresting sight [click to enlarge].

Beautiful pics. Keep them coming! Last night walking back up Cavendish Road we stopped for a little night hanami - cherry blossom at night 

I was filling my boots at the wonderful Glebe Nursery this afternoon and dropped in to the walled garden at Forty Hall. It's not local but it gives good blossom. A few phone pics.

So lovely!

Here's a tree in Cavendish Road adding to the joy

and a tree overlooking the Harringay Passage

My son and I suffer horribly from hay fever and usually by this time of year we're a mess. But this year, so far, we have had only very mild symptoms. Has anyone else noticed this locally? I'm wondering what the change could be.

Beautiful magnolia next to my son’s college

Not sure there's a better cherry blossom display than the road i live in cecile Park.


lot's of local folk yesterday doing selfies in the sun with someone throwing huge handfuls of cherry blossom petals, lovely.



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