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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I am sick of seeing the amount of flexible material in my bin at home I have to say, but as a result of my work in the plastic recycling sector I know that this is a really hard material to recycle and our recycling bin is not a route we have available to us at the moment sadly. 

I was at a conference yesterday and I mentioned during a session I was speaking at that I had a bin bag full of flexible packaging in my cellar waiting for Sainsbury's to open up their participation in a national flexible take back scheme a number of retails are participating in, including Sainsbury's.

I have since been in touch with someone who was in the audience and who has put me straight, Sainsbury's Harringay are already taking back flexibles it seems and here is a list of what you can save from your bin if you so wish. 

You have to take them to the store, but the collection point is a carrier back collection bin by the entrance. I have suggested they think about home delivery customers, I will let you know how this aspect develops. It's not the best solution, but it is a start and avoids it going to the incinerator at Edmonton!

Tags for Forum Posts: 'flexible, Sainsbury's, packaging', plastic, recycling

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Thanks Justin, this is very helpful.  

Thank you!

That’s really useful Jus.  Now to find somewhere that will take polystyrene foam!

That's great, now I just have to find somewhere to keep it all - a plastic bag perhaps ;)

Also 'compostable' plastic packaging is a complicated issue - I gather it doesn't go in the normal recycling and they don't want it here either. My home compost bin is not hot enough and the bags don't decompose properly.

I have occasionally bought take-away coffee in cups that claim to be biodegradable, but then there is nowhere appropriate to deposit them. (And before anyone piles in, yes I do have my own reusable cup but on the odd occasion forget to take it with me.)

Compostable packaging needs to go into your food waste bin. It needs treating in a particular way at a proper composting facility. 
Not sure about compostable coffee cups. I will ask and see if I can work that one out. My gut feeling thought is they should go in your food waste bin too as I suspect the liner is the same material as the bio-plastic sleeve on your newspaper supplements or bags. 
I get a riverford delivery weekly and things come from them in (apparently) home compostable packaging. I am sceptical and want to throw it in my food waste bin (because I know that will sort it) but I am experimenting to see how much of it I see in my home compost when I tip it out in the spring. 

Ah good to know, thanks Justin. 

Thanks Justin - since you seem quite knowledgeable about this, are plastic shampoo containers (the kind you squeeze) Ok in the normal recycling? There's nothing written on the packaging, and I wonder if I need to separate off the squeezy caps first.

Do you mean like this? If so then put it in your kerbside collection as it can be taken I believe. Leave the cap on! 

Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Editorial Photo - Image of dandruff, apple: 109010816

There's a lot more stuff that doesn't need plastic packaging at all, eg bacon, as it can be wrapped in waxed paper like it used to be, and like some cheeses are. The plastic culture runs deep, I got told I was "being funny" on the veg stall in the market hall when I asked for a paper bag for loose fruit rather than blue plastic ones they usually throw the produce into.

Last time I was at Tesco (High Road branch) I noticed a bin for film plastics at the entrance. It was overflowing though.

Yes, Tesco and Coop and I believe Morrisons are also doing this. 

This is my bag, duly delivered this week!



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