Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi All

So having had to scan my V5 log book (having had to get a replacement), then scan in a council tax bill, then pay £180 I simply get to a screen  - "Permit application complete" - no confirmation email and no link to print the bugger. Has anyone actually got a permit through this process?

I have tried to ring them but each time 'They are experiencing a high volume of calls" and they hang up. 

Peace and Love 


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We’ve had problems for years with their system. It doesn’t recognise my husband’s debit card, but also used to use a pop-up window to deliver the permit, so if you had pop-ups disabled, nothing would happen.

Anyway, you can visit Marcus Garvey Library to get permits in person, if that’s any use. It’s so much easier. Sorry I can’t help with their stupid system.

Hi Carol

Thanks - I'll give that a go if nothing arrives next week

I *think* if you buy online you’re supposed to be given a link to print your own permit. I’d be surprised if anything will arrive. I’d carry on ringing them (such a pain) or go down to the library.

A bit more info (basically, hang in there till you can talk to them and get them to email you your permit) here

https://www.harringayonline.com/forum/topics/can-t-renew-parking-pe...     and


Hi Richard,

both my brother in law and myself had this problem recently.

I emailed the parking permit dept


and explained what had happened given them as much detail as you can

  • Permit application Receipt no 
  • Reference 
  • Permit Reference 
  • Applicant ID  

I explained to my BIL what I had done and said that I would let him know what needs to be done.

A couple of days later I received my permit via a return email. He received his in the  post. (having done nothing)

Hope that helps.

But as suggested either Wood Green or Marcus Garvey Library deal with the parking permits if you fancy the trip and wait!

Thanks Betty I'll give that a try.

I had no problems at all. My permit arrived in the post 5 days after I got the letter and I was emailed it too. I was expecting it to be a nightmare, but luckily I had both V5 and council tax bill to hand. 

I've tried to get visitors permits over  a period of weeks- I go through everything including putting bank details etc then the screen goes to a 'sad' emoticom, no explanation, it is so frustrating.

Check the tag added under your post, Richard. Lots of reports of simillar woes and maybe some solutions.

Make sure your scanned images aren't too big. The site won't tell you if they are, it will just fail at the last step.

Same issues with renewing residents permit. Got reference number but no email confirmation and the renewed permit after applying 3 weeks ago. Payment taken immediately. Was on holiday, only just got back and current permit runs out in 2 days time.
Frustrating is not the word here.



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