Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Owners of Proposed Triple Restaurant in former Fairline/Class A Premises Finally Come Clean

The owners of the almost complete new restaurant in the former Fairline/Class A premises have been pretending for the last year or so that their project was anything but a new restaurant. They even had their agent come on HoL to protest their innocence with regard to any such move.

Of course anyone with half a mind didn't believe them for a moment and they've now finally come clean and have applied for retrospective planning permission.

There are very sound grounds for objection to this development given in Haringey's planning policy and one hopes that the Council will make proper and fair use of these in making their planning determination. 

Local objections, particularly those that can be linked to policy are taken into account and do make a difference. Any resident can object. I am attaching a copy of the LCSP's objection which makes clear which policies can be referenced for your objection.

If you'd like to object, or support, the application, you can do so via the planning pages of Haringey's website here, using the "Comment on Application" button towards the bottom of the page. (EDIT: I made a comment essentially just supporting the LCSP's statement in its entirety).

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Thank you. You have expanded my vocabulary. Trolling has its uses

When did free and open expression and discussion suddenly become trolling?

People just don't know what trolling is, they see someone they disagree with and call it trolling. Trolling is when someone jumps into a discussion and says something very disagreeable just to sit back and watch the fireworks.

I'd much prefer we used 'hepcat' to describe places with food thats 'not kebabs or fried chicken' and coffee that is 'not nescafe'. 

Have you guys seen the new hepcat spot on the 'lanes?

P.S: Main definitions of hipster in English: genuinely derogatory. 

Funny, and accurate, except they missed off:

25. food that's not "kebabs or fried chicken"

Maybe deconstructed chicken - scrambled eggs.

this one gets a 10/10 from me 

Anyone interested in an update on proceedings: The council are still to take action on the planning enforcement and building control. As suspected this inertia (and suspected lack of due diligence to installation of cooking equipment/extraction systems) has allowed continual pollution of smoke and cooking smells particularly during peak weekend trade. This week it has culminated in tenants being evicted since Saturday due to the carbon monoxide levels from indoor charcoal burning reaching dangerous peaks (setting off alarms etc). 

National Grid from their visit found unacceptable level of carbon monoxide in the restaurant as well meaning that customers and staff are also at risk but they are unable to take any action as no gas connection was found in the restaurant- they are just burning solid fuel in a freestanding indoor grill and problems from use of Solid fuel is outside National Grid's domain. Environmental health normally never have a case that reaches this stage (national grid will shut down facilities with such readings) but have finally agreed to carry out a live scenario test by where all the cooking facilities in the restaurant are working at full capacity then are monitored for monoxide levels.

It's disappointing that people have been put at risk before anybody has taken notice, but hoping that this will prompt swift action which places the proper scrutiny on ensuring that this restaurant operates safely for all!

I should clarify my sentence above "The council are still to take action on the planning enforcement and building control". The council have served a planning enforcement notice on 13/09/17 which took effect on 19/10/17 but the restaurant is still trading. 

I think you might be right. I've done some digging around the council website and found this They have obviously submitted an appeal, but not in the time frame required so it isn't to be addressed. But they do have a month since the notice takes effect to comply with the enforcement which would give them up to 19/11. As the enforcement basically requires them to remove the whole shopfront in it's entirety i'm not entirely sure how they can keep trading thereafter and because of their disregard for safety I'm hoping this is the case.  I'm glad something's happening but you're right it's pretty disappointing that it's so slowly and residents (and customers!) have had to suffer for it to get to this.

Really hoping this will be the case so we can move back in and also not have the ongoing fear that they will start up the grills and cause risk again!



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