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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I've just seen two heavily laden Jewsons lorries driving down Burgoyne Road at 750am.

I understood that these lorries weren't meant to come down the Ladder streets, due to the weight they carry, and the impact on the judder bars and houses (does anyone else's house shake when they go past?)

I recall a forum about this a while ago, but if anyone has any ideas about who to complain directly to in the Council, please let me know.


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Why do corporate apologiae always end with phrases like "the local community in which we work, live, move and have our being is incredibly/ fantastically/ awesomely/ ineffably important to us" when what's really generated the response is "hey, get our wordsmith to sling a few words together to get these buggers off our back" ?

Not in the case of our good Jewson neighbours, of course, who merely settled among us attracted by the neighbourly ambience of Wightman Road.

OK, further to my request for a name at the council. I think the undertakings that you have given are to be commended and are welcome and sufficient should they continue to be adhered to.

However, the council do not have the right to absolve you of the crimes you have admitted committing on Burgoyne Rd. The only road you are allowed to use by law is Wightman, the road your business is on, and only from the northern end because of the weight restriction at the southern end. I appreciate that Burgoyne Rd is the only viable route for you to use to keep trading and I'm glad you acknowledge that.

Basically, fantastic but if you don't stick to what you said (within reason), don't expect any help from the mysterious person(s) at the council.

Is anyone on Burgoyne unhappy with this? I wouldn't be, although they've neglected to mention Cavendish.

Can you please emphasise to your drivers that 20mph is too fast to drive over speed bumps when fully laden?  Unfortunately over the past few days (presumably since they were given the all clear) they have been driving down our road at speed again.  We have noticed this because our house shakes as though there was an earthquake every time they go past.  For the previous few weeks we hadn't noticed this, so presumably the drivers had been taking extra care.  Can you please emphasise that this isn't optional - they have to do it every time they go over a speed bump.  

In the meantime, I will be keeping a diary, with photographs and video, with a view towards seeking a change (if a change is needed, as I do not accept your assertion that there are no restrictions in place) in the status of Burgoyne Road, and/or litigation as your drivers are clearly causing a nuisance, which is affecting both our property and our wellbeing. 

Dear Jewsons (and other interested parties): It appears that your information from the Council is incorrect. There is a restriction in place, and the access justification to which you refer does not appear to allow you to use Burgoyne or any other ladder road.  I attach the relevant Council ordinance.  I trust you will advise your drivers accordingly (of course, if they drive down the road slowly, and don't cause my house to shake when they do so, I am unlikely to notice and therefore unlikely to take photographs for referral to the Council Officer who has very kindly provided me with this ordinance). 


Well investigated.

Has there been any discernible reduction in the speed of the Jewson lorries sine their commitment on this thread?

No. It's got worse, because (I assume) the drivers think that the result of the investigation was that they were entitled to do so.  As we now know, this is wrong.

I have had email correspondence with the relevant Council Officer, who has informed that any vehicles caught will receive a penalty notice, and that the parking team have been informed of this.  Again, in case Jewson's are reading this, I would emphasise that us residents are much less likely to become involved in gathering such evidence if your drivers are sensible, courteous and drive slowly (i.e. much less than 20mph) in heavily ladden lorries over speed bumps. 

That's rather disappointing. You seem to be responding with great forbearance.

This confirms John's understanding above - the exception on which they seem to be relying is that in 5(a), which would allow them to use Wightman (from the North end) as this is the 'only' access to their yard. This doesn't allow them to use any of the ladder roads as well (although this does provide a justification for, for e.g. the scaffolders' yard on Umfreville Rd).  So it is clear that their continued use of the ladder roads is under sufferance, not right. I hope this will make them better neighbours in future!

£1000 for the employer and £1000 for the driver. They have already admitted that they come down Burgoyne and Cavendish. Who amongst our honest peace keepers has the balls to prosecute them?

Dear fellow sufferers,

I am grateful to Malcolm B for supplying a copy of the order, which is dated 23 January 1992.

I am not a lawyer although I do have some experience of reading legal documents.  If I were employed by Jewson I would certainly argue that the order, as it is, does not prohibit any vehicle from using any street in the ladder or Wightman Road for the purpose of loading or unloading at Jewson's own premises.

If the drafter had intended to say that vehicles over 7.5 tons may use only Wightman Road (rather than any of the other scheduled streets) to reach Jewson's yard, then I think different phrasing would have been needed.

That having been said, it might perhaps be sensible to review the order itself and its whole context.  In the first place, when the order was made, there were no humps so far as I know.  Certainly there were none in Wightman Road.  In the second place, the Order is entitled "The Haringey (Prescribed Route) (No. 2) Experimental Traffic Order 1992" so we might reasonably expect an assessment of whether the experiment has been successful and whether any changes are now needed.  Tightening up the text must be an option, reducing the weight limit might help (although not if drivers continue to be inconsiderate).  Removing the humps from streets often used by vehicles over the weight limit might be wise.

I have, over the years, found Jewson quite a handy supplier, although their Harringay yard it is certainly not indispensable, especially as they have another location on the industrial site off Tottenham Lane, N8.  As Jewson is one of only two or three businesses in the ladder that need heavy vehicles to trundle past residential properties, one might think it is time to press for its removal altogether.  The others are at the railway end of Hampden Road and don't seem to generate traffic south of there.

On the other hand, I am sure that Jewson's management would prefer to get their drivers to behave better than to see extremely inconvenient restrictions placed on their use of local streets.

I think this thread has itself become a bit heavy.  Perhaps HoL could provide some editorial guidance.

Have you seen Malcom's post below? Seems that you're not allowed to use Burgoyne Road after all!

Can someone give me the kernel of this thread as Jewson's lorry RA57 HNF has just come bouncing down the road and I'd like to know if

a) I have a valid complaint and

b) to whom I should be making it?

Ta, Helen



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