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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Bathe in the new bright LED street lights of Hampden Rd next time your passing through. Stand under one and you could be forgiven for thinking you're on the set of the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, just don't look up for you'll be blinded by the light (rather than beamed up).

Seriously though these lights are awful!!

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If they are that efficient, then surely it would also be possible to replace on a ratio 8:10?

It is not healthy (for man or beast) to have 'daylight' 24 hours a day.

Stephen, that happened last time around, late-90s; the very old lamp posts were replaced and the spacing was increased since the then-new high-pressure sodium lamps were more efficient. I doubt the council wants to replace/resite fit-for-purpose lamp posts again. Last time, Maria (post above, Sunday last) got a lamp she doesn't want; we lost a lamp we did want.

John, the one outside my house really is very, very bright. I can actually read a book by it! I'm assuming that as their LED they are dimable.

They should be.

They don't bother me, but of course it's all a matter of individual perception.

Whilst driving within the ladder tonight back from a night out I had to put down the 'sun' (now LED) visor because the harsh piercing light from these LEDs was so distracting to driving safely - so, these LEDs are actually dangerous!

Btw, an electrician I spoke to today said that to change the white to a warm light would necessitate changing the whole lamp. Can't see that happening.

Oh Em Gee.

I got a taste of what is to come tonight after seeing the first new light in action last night.  The rest of the road was done today and lucky me has one right outside my house.  These lights are no exaggeration.  We could play a ballgame outside with ease- proper stadium lighting going on.

Residents- get your pens ready.... and should that fail... slingshots and BB guns.

So tonight is the first night with the new lights on Hewitt. Shelene's right that they're very bright at street level. On the first floor, however, I think light levels are actually lower than before. Having said that they're not a million miles off 5500k or daylight temperature. So there is something of a feel of dawn about the light they cast. I wonder what sort of message that will send to our sleeping selves. None that we can't semi-consciously rationalise, I hope.

In summary, I don't understand these stories of people needing to put up blackout and I'm hoping that the lower light levels at first floor level and higher colour temperature will kinda cancel each other out. 

I'm three doors down from you Hugh and maybe it's the slope of the hill and our lower wall but these are closer to floodlights in our lounge.  The bedroom is also illuminated through very thick curtains.

For me, I think that the council has over-specified the power of the lights and hasn't considered the angle and throw of the beam (and it is a beam).  It's sloppy and cheap.  I also think that the 'colour' of the bulbs are a distraction.  They're too powerful and the last time I saw lights like that was at a football stadium.

Pens and legal challenges await I suspect...

Sorry to hear this Paul. I'd been thinking that because we have a light right outside the house we'd have it as bad as it can get. With your comment and Shelene's, I'm wondering if the angle on the light plate creates a bigger issue for houses opposite a light. I did also notice further down the road a house that had been painted white and had a low wall did appear to be highly illuminated.

I have reported the problem here:


I have also asked Councillor Emine Ibrahim (emine.ibrahim@haringey.gov.uk) to advise on best course of action.  It needs to be resolved.

And I'll be talking to councillor Gina Adamou tomorrow Saturday at her surgery, which runs 11am - 1pm at the Falkland Centre (NHP school) , located by Harringay Passage on Frobisher Rd. Her surgery's run 2nd & 4th Saturday every month. Failing that I'll be going direct to whomever in the council is in charge of this project.

I might come along Matt.  I would need to be there at 11:00am as I need to head off after that.  Fancy going together?



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