As mentioned over on the GL area traffic study thread it would be interesting to gauge the level of support for the four alternative packages of changes that are being proposed for the Ladder.
So take the straw poll - here - its very short so wont take long to answer.
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An unfairly forcing it onto Green Lanes. Don't want a repeat of the carnage that the bridge works was.
What's in my head for not supporting any of those options is that a reduction in the amount of traffic coming through Harringay should be the main aim, not just directing it this way or that or a bit of both. I don't think we can accept the high level of traffic and pollution as a given and moving it around. Titanic, deck chairs etc. Measures need to be thought up to reduce those journeys that could be done other ways such as through improved public transport and restrictions on white van deliveries all times of day and night. Sorry I haven't thought up the measures but disincentives/incentives to change the car culture and white van delivery etc...
Glad we are of the same mind here John. Traffic pollution has been hitting the headlines so much but council can't seem to apply new strategies to cut down the traffic which is what needs to be done. Solutions have to be radical now and rapid. The laissez faire attitude of letting everyone drive whenever, wherever in such crowded environments is not sustainable.
Ruth, the consultants measured an 8% evaporation of traffic during the bridgeworks - made up 11% fewer vehicle journeys locally, and 5% reduction in through traffic. Haringey's own pollution monitoring device at the Old Surgery on Green Lanes measured a significant reduction in NO2 for the last three months of the bridgeworks compared to the same months in 2015.
I agree there need to be wider measures - London-wide and nation-wide - to reduce vehicle use generally, but this has to be in conjunction with measures to ensure that journeys between primary destinations use the primary routes i.e. A-roads, and protect the most densely populated residential areas. At the moment the Harringay Ladder is a rat-runner's paradise and a perfect way to hide the excess traffic - if we acquiesce to this we'll just make it easier for the Council to sacrifice the health and quality of life of local residents and avoid tackling the real issues.
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