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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Residents on Beresford Rd got a lovely surprise this evening when a former Cllr for the ward knocked on their door to remind the to vote tommorrow!

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As I've said to you face to face John, how can you possibly say that 170 MPs - voted for by approximately 5 million people, don't 'represent the views of their members'.   MPs are democratically elected by the people to represent their views in parliament.  Just as Zena has been democratically elected to represent the people in her ward.  Or are you saying that its only democracy if YOU agree with the choice of candidate?  5 million people's votes have now been dismissed by you. I admire Jeremy's dogged determination to stay, he must have a very thick skin and be very determined.  Can he lead the Labour Party without tearing it apart?  Time will tell - It's not looking good at the moment ...

We love what he stands for, its not a personality cult. An end to privatisation in the NHS, building council houses, bringing the railways back into public ownership, ending the crime of PFI.......which of these don't you like?

He has more than doubled the size of the Labour Party and brought hundreds of thousands of people  to believe that positive change is possible. The fact that the entire British Establishment has engaged in a blistering non stop attack on him and has failed to dent his support is a testament to what people  see in him. Imagine what he could achieve if he had the support of the PLP. but they want to keep  the cosy setup.

"The fact that the entire British Establishment has engaged in a blistering non stop attack on him and has failed to dent his support"

Phil - there is nothing that the Tory party and its supporters would like more than see Corbyn installed as leader. They have no opposition. The press have kept their powder largely dry. If we got near an election with Corbyn as leader then we would really see what blistering attacks look like. Every single one of Corbyn's connections and support networks amongst far left antidemocratic groups will be drawn out and exposed in excruciating detail.  Unfortunately they have a stack of material to work with.

What Labour under Corbyn achieved so far in one year-

-increased Labour membership by 300,000 ish

-forced reversal on Saudi prison contract

-reversal on forced school academisation

-reversal on £4.5 bn Tory welfare cuts

-forced abandonment of Tory budget

-forced intervention in steel industry

-increased voter share in Oldam by-election

-increased voter share in Tootin by-election

-won 4 mayoral elections

-matched previous local gov election results

-gained Fire Brigade Union re-affiliation to Labour

-stopped disability benefit cuts

-got 2/3 of Labour voters to vote Remain in EU

-put anti austerity on the national agenda

-put limited nationalisation on agenda

Labour under Corbyn has been more effective at opposing the Tory government but you won't hear much about it in the media.

63% of Labour supportes voted Remain versus only 42% Tories voted Remain yet Corbyn gets knocked for it.

People do want change but this was not reflected in the established Parliamentary Labour Party, hence the election of Corbyn.

No one is denying that there are huge problems, I think this interview is an honest account from Clive Lewis the Shadow Defence secretary.


These things sound great.

The one thing that can be guaranteed is that if Corbyn stays as leader we will get nowhere near them. He is totally unelectable. So, instead we will have another couple of decades of unchallenged Tory rule. Given what they did with 18 years last time we can no doubt look forward to the entire dismantling of the NHS, the further privatisation/dsimantling of the state education system and general trashing of the infrastructure. 

I think this would be terrible. But of course many of the far left groups (such as the SWP, Communist Party GB)  who are openly backing Corbyn don't think this is a bad thing at all. They have been trying to destroy the Labour party for over a hundred years. To them the Labour Party has always been a big problem and they would welcome its demise: as the masses are no longer protected by such bourgeois compromises as the welfare state and the NHS, they will rise up and overthrow the capitalist system and all its tools of oppression (such as parliamentary democracy).

I dont think you know very much about left wing parties in the UK, apart from what you might have read in the Daily Mail. Remember it was Labour  who  introduced PFI and acadamisation of schools. The far left in Britain is insignificant; it is ordinary people who are flocking to support what Corbyn represents.

Do enlighten me about the relationship between the SWP, Communist Party,  parliamentary democracy and the Labour Party.

I don't doubt that there are many naive people who are getting caught up by the far left's rhetoric about how evil the last Labour government were. The previous 18 years of Tory rule seems to have been expunged. 

PFI initiatives were brought in by Major's Tory government.  

I think you overestimate the influence from the Communist party and SWP.

The Communist Party UK has 772 members https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_Britain

the SWP has 2,147 paying members http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1033/hype-and-delusions/

and their membership and influence is waning.

The Labour Party had 270,000 members in August 2015, it now has over 600,000 signed up paying members.

However I agree that we should be concerned about the electability of a future Labour Government.

The bit I don't get is Ed Miliband was unelectable, Gordon Brown was unelectable, Tony Blair became an unelectable psychopath. After all their failures, why is it Jeremy Corbyn that gets the blame when there's already been years and years of leadership farce and haemorrhaged labour support? I struggle to remember anything ed miliband achieved beyond standing in front of a stupid rock for example. I just don't understand.

Blair left before he became unelectable.  Everyone seems to conveniently forget that 2 years after Iraq Blair won a 3rd straight election with 356 seats, or 26 more than the Tories have now.   I think for me, the point is that Ed Miliband didn't lose because he was not left wing enough, which is what many seem to have concluded.  When the Republicans react to election losses by veering off even further to the right we all laugh at them, but here Labour is doing the same thing.  Corbyn is a leader for the 70s, the world (and voters) are different now.  Appealing to the party base is not enough.  I am not a Labour member but I did vote for Labour in many previous elections, including 2015.  I will not be voting for them in their current form (though that applies equally with Smith).  Presumably most party members were voting Labour anyway.



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