Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

How impressive is this: I filed an online report of dumped rubbish on our street at about 1.50pm today. No more than 30 minutes later, I got a call back saying they'd noted my email and it would be removed in the next 24 hours. Top marks!

And also a good reminder that, with response times like that, there's no excuse for not reporting *any* dumped rubbish you see. As I cycled down Green Lanes today, I noticed a few of the Ladder streets appear to have small-to-large fly tips on them. I can't remember the streets, but if it's one of yours, please do report it asap. The sooner it's cleared, the less likely it is to attract further dumps.

Tags for Forum Posts: accord, council, fly, haringey, tipping

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I agree that the speed of response from Haringey Enterprise, the contractors, is very good and that 98% of the time, the articles are removed within the 24 hours and absolutely endorse that you should report all dumped rubbish (you can also ask for litter picks if the street is particularly bad) no matter how small. I was told anecdotally that they pick up the phone for a dumped fag packet in Muswell Hill

I'm not sure I share your optimism that the quicker something is removed, the less likely it is that it will attract further dumps. While you may not get stuff added to an existing dump, there is a mind set that it is okay to get rid of unwanted items by dumping them in certain points (near bins, near telephone cabinets, near the entrance to the passage, at the corner of Green Lanes) and no matter how quickly they are cleared, more stuff appears.

That is the bit that seems harder to tackle and requires more work, otherwise we are teaching people that it is okay to dump because 'mummy council' will pick up afterwards
I used the email service to report graffiti recently. The graffiti was removed by a contractor within the deadline emailed back to me. Good service.
These days, I am often critical of many of the services provided by the Urban Environment Department. So for a change, let me add to Matt's positive comment about graffiti removal.

Haringey's arrangements for passing on reports to the contractors are quick and efficient. The contractors - who I think are still Graffiti Hotline (Proud Industrial) are not just good; but reliable and reasonably priced. (To the Council. The service is free for residents.)

And even better! Graffiti Hotline seem knowledgeable and creative about what is now a worldwide problem. They come across as an organisation with a disposition for learning, as well as offering good service. How refreshing!

So, adding to Bushy's plea for prompt reporting of dumping, please also Report any Graffiti in Haringey. It's simple.
Congratulations..this is a first! Not in my experience..... I hope it keeps up!



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