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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

New study confirms people becoming increasingly isolated. See full story at BBC Changing UK

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Apologies for the bad link - now fixed. Thanks to Bushy for spotting it.
But, Hugh, isn't there a paradox lurking behind this story and your title? The more we Harringayites spend our evenings communing on HOL, the less inclined we'll be to trudge to Terront Road and meet those mind-expanding neighbours of ours in St Ann's.
ERGO: HOL is the most effective stirrer-up of apathy, anomie and anonymity yet invented by man.

Discuss (two sides only).
I feel like I'm following you around OAE but in all honesty, were the AAs packed out with the non axe grinders before HOL or has the site actually brought people into the debate who previously had no interest?
The stage of moving out into the real world is a very important one but if your account of last nights proceedings is a reflection of what to expect, what possible good would it do people to attend something that would clearly frustrate them.
If 100 HOLites turned up last night, would it have made any difference do you think?

I see the two as complementary not in opposition. For any number of reasons people may not make a meeting (me last night, sans babysitter) but have 24 hour contact with their community here. The site is in its infancy but is already proving influential. We urge people to attend local residents groups (there has been a positive upsurge at LCSP!) and heavily promote Area Assembly but we can do little to get effective communication if they pull the kind of meeting you described last night

btw I think this report from the BBC as flawed as it seems to equate living alone with loneliness and isolation which does not necessarily follow. This site is about putting people in touch with each other and with what is happening. Its opened up a whole world for me and helped me meet my neighbours in a way I could not have hoped to with the odd attendance at Area Assembly. For people who have no interest in listening to people droning on about 'youf' or parks or indeed litter, it is an excellent way to connect.
(The issue of whether they should care is entirely seperate and will get me no extra marks)
My ERGO conclusion was, I hope, lighthearted illogicality. Symbiotic synergy is where it's at and I hope everyone can see that HOL has done more for its part than all the existing assemblies and associations have done on theirs.
"If 100 HOLites turned up last night" (and that's less than 9%) - yes I'm sure it would have made a difference, but even more so if those councillors were all where they should have been, as they usually have been in the past.
Do I get the feeling that after all the scrutiny and resignations Haringey Council is somewhat punch drunk, with councillors throwing 'sickies' much as teachers at my old school used do after Ofsted visits?
An earlier report by the Young Foundation drew very similar conclusions from some good research.



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