Those HOL members who live on the Ladder rung roads will shortly receive (or may have already done so) a survey that has been put together and delivered by volunteers from the Friends of Harringay Passage.
Haringey Council have been good enough to lend support to collate the results, providing pre-pay envelopes and covering our printing costs for which we are very grateful.
We really need as many responses as possible so I am writing this post in order to urge members to complete and return their forms by the 12th June in the pre-paid envelopes.
Your responses will help us to draw up a plan of action for the Friends group, based on what you say you would like to see happen for the Passage and your comments about how and why you use it.
EVEN IF YOU DON"T USE IT (or maybe ESPECIALLY if you don't) we want to know what prevents you from using it and what could be done to encourage you to use it.
So please complete the survey and encourage neighbours to do it to. The more responses we get from as broad a range of roads as possible, the better our plan will be!
Tags for Forum Posts: friends of harringay passage
Thank you Josephine!
Hopefully everyone will have their surveys by the weekend. Please bear with us if you are still waiting . We are a small volunteer organisation and we are doing our best to cover all the rungs. Any problems, please message me.
The survey content was decided by the Friends of Harringay Passage, after a series of discussions at our monthly meetings as to what we saw the key issues as being and various suggestions that had been made about possible improvements. We then put on a couple of activities at the passage/road junctions (for example, a discussion board at one of the play streets on Pemberton where we asked everyone passing what they liked and didn't like by the passage) and started a discussion on this site. We designed the survey on the back of that feedback (I work in the research industry so took the lead on the actual question format etc) and also got some feedback from Haringey.
Do please add comments if you there are important issues for you that we didn't cover.
Thanks Alison.
I have completed the survey but tbh it does come across as targeting a certain market, for example, people with primary school age children. Tweens and teens are probably one of the most vulnerable groups of people to use the passage.
At South Harringay when I was standing at the school gate talking to people about the survey, I asked both older primary children and the teenagers that sometimes pick them up to also fill in surveys which some did (as I gave them the pen to do it and they gave me the survey back to post.)
I also encouraged parents to ask their kids to fill in the survey if they wanted to.
Young people are a harder to reach group but I did get a few. I also asked my own tween to fill one in.
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