Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Our postman seems to be getting a bit bored with the whole letter box thing and has taken to just dropping the mail near the door. Annoying when its credit cards etc.

Anyone else observing this in Falkland Rd or other streets on the ladder?

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I note the folded letters. Postal officers are supposed to put letters all the way in to avoid anyone pulling them out. Maybe you have some kind of box or something on the inside and some arse is pulliing out the letters or they are falling out?

Our regular postie was away last year for a few days. He's a really nice solid lad.

While away he was replaced by some muppet who decided it was a good idea to leave a parcel propped up against a door of a neighbours when they were not in to take it off him, and to avoid having to carry it back to the depot no doubt. I saw this, and chased him down the street with it and told him he was not doing the brightest thing. Honestly, the light was on etc...

When I saw our regular postie again I mentioned it, he was quite embarrassed and said that he was not the brightest spark. Wonder if he is now your posite?

Did you ever see this clip of the Fed-Ex delivery of a TV????

I live on the WERA Estate (bottom of Muswell Hill). We had (and may still have although haven't heard anything lately) a terrible problem with post containing credit cards and cheque books being stolen and being used fraudulently. They went missing from leaving  the sender to arriving at their destination (you can make your own assumptions as to who was responsible). The post office have been extremely unhelpful, the banks don't care and apparently it's not a police matter. Lynne Featherstone is now taking it up and I'm hoping we'll get some long overdue answers. Unfortunately Postman don't view the job with pride like they used to.

I've just emailed Royal Mail to complain about mail going missing over the past 3 moths in Langham rd, definitely a recent problem as the past. 8 years appear to have been problem free. Anyone else experiencing this?
The regular postmen who deliver for my road of Beresford Road wouldn't dare as they would get the wrath of tongue.



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