With your support and confidence behind us on May 22nd you can help build a fairer Harringay, a fairer Borough and send a clear message that the residents of Harringay ward believe in social justice, community cohesion, the opportunity for all to thrive and equality.
Our key priorities for the borough:
Labour’s Record in Harringay
We have also
How the Liberal Democrat record damages Harringay locally
People in Harringay believe in fairness and social justice and the Liberal Democrats have abandoned that all together. They have supported Pickles, Duncan Smith and Osborne all the way.
The Liberal Democrats talk down Harringay but they have no positive vision for improving the ward or the borough and dealing with the big challenges. The Liberal Democrats in Harringay ward offer support for their party’s legacy of broken promises and Harringay Labour offer the opportunity for residents to help us build and support a fairer more inclusive community.
We want to see improvements to the local environment which means tougher action on landlords, betting shops, planning and licensing breaches. We also want to see improved safety for pedestrians and will continue to campaign for a crossing at Alroy Rd, traffic calming measures and improvements to pavements and roads.
Please use all three of your votes on May 22nd for Harringay Labour.
Cllr Gina Adamou
Emine Ibrahim
James Ryan
The Labour Party Candidates for Harringay Ward
Tags for Forum Posts: 2014 elections
Hi Michele
On your first question on items 2, 4 and 7
2. Improvements to roads - £200mil has been allocated by central government to ALL local authorities who need to bid for this single pot, there are 433 authorities in the England if this was divided up equally each authority would get less than 500k so small change in reality bearing in mind the cost and amount of investment needed. In reality it would probably not even be that because areas impacted by the floods would receive a much larger proportion of that. Our commitment is to £25million from the council budget
4. Match funding has been secured for the officers for half the funding however commitment was made in the Labour budget not the Lib Dem budget tabled at full council and the council has to choose to tap into the scheme and commit their own funding too - so again no not "no matter who gets in". The Lib Dems committed to a council tax discount for Special constables not realising that on closer inspection it only actually applied to 1 person living in the borough and working as a special constable in the borough
7. Just to confirm you mean the HGV camera - this has already been installed ? and here what we are saying is that we campaigned for this too and its happened at long last.
All these areas are in the Councillors / Council remit.
Totally agree about improving services for carers. I know that there is a commitment to better integration of services through the Better Care Fund across health and social care. However I really feel that there has to be more attention given to the impact on carers, I don't think that enough support is there and feel that services across the country particularly those offered by the voluntary sector are being decimated.
In regards to 2 and 4 you have proved my point, and sorry I meant 5 not 7 - Boris and the government are leading on extra affordable housing, something the Haringey labour group has ignored for years on the scale required. Not that I support Boris or the government, far from it, but it seams labour candidates have adopted con dem initiatives as their own, instead of having any strong commitments or campaigns of their own - such a shame.
Oh it certainly has an impact Alison the last few days have been warm and parts of the ladder have started to smell. On fortnightly collections I think they can work IF our recycling habits change. I do however think that when you have high levels of HMO's you are bound to have more residual waste as there are more people in a small geographic area producing waste, its very simple maths. I also think that wards like Harringay where you have a high level of transience means that people who will arrive and leave within say 6 months or a year will take time to get into that habit of waste disposal that applies to this borough. It becomes a cycle - because its not a London wide policy for all councils. I also think that its very difficult in areas where there are young families. Two weeks is a very long time for nappies to remain in a bin no matter what the size of the bin is.
The collections from businesses - I think it needs to improve I am so sad to see that all this work is happening on Green Lanes and the pavements are already starting to stain from leaks from bags. As I said at the hustings I think that services are always better delivered in house because the profit incentive is not the driver for these huge contractors. I do think when you have a contactor there needs to be tough action when service falls short of what residents expect and deserve. I think when profit incentive is brought in to public services there is always the risk of cutting corners, erosion of employment rights leading to lower levels of motivation from staff. This ultimately impacts on the area and residents. We are where we are with outsourced services and so many date back to outsourcing in the 80's. What we need is to ensure that when the service falls short action can be taken quickly as ultimately its a public health risk as well us causing an unattractive streetscape. When the street looks untidy people are more likely to show lack of respect and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Right. Let's break that down, shall we?
Labour’s Record in Harringay
The park at Anstey Walk was, as I have said many, many times before, "improved" by being reduced in the size and amenity value of the equipment after the outcome of the (admittedly woefully deficient) consultation was ripped up at the last minute after pressure from the Safer Neighbourhood Team because they said the existing slide - which everyone loved - facilitated drug dealing (I am not joking). Play England also put down goalposts in the adjacent green space which were in fact small stumps hindering proper use of the area; apparently the project ran out of money before it could be finished and the area remains an unsightly, useless mess. As for the "pocket park", I have not seen anything at all to indicate that this area will be "improved" by the "piazza" being planned. Furthermore the junction has been left half dug-up for months and is a disgusting and dangerous eyesore.
With what success, if any? When the roads are death traps for cyclists and pedestrians often have to fend for themselves?
Your precious "pocket park" contains wild ideas of foliage, seating and a totem pole yet you have STILL failed to put a crossing in between the Salisbury and Harringay cabs which junction there is NO SAFE WAY TO CROSS. Why not?
See above
Great, keep them on Green Lanes instead.
I should add that
(a) the bus lane between St Ann's Road and the park is an absolute disgrace and I am surprised my bike has not been wrecked by having to withstand the holes, dips, bumps and pockmarks in the road surface. Would Labour ever do anything about this, I wonder?
(b) All over Harringay people park illegally all the time. Near George's fish bar you have ambulances parked illegally on the single yellow line day after day after day. Also there are builders parking every day on the single yellow line on Green Lanes opposite the park. No-one does anything about it, it seems, except for me when I shout at them. Yet we had to pay around £200 to retrieve our car from the pound after you towed it away for parking partially on a pavement. Comments?
Corruption as far as I can work out.
Where are the black candidates? I note that there is no black candidate standing for St Anns Ward either. Its a disgrace that the black community should take note of when they are voting for Labour who boast about support for ethnicity and th community. I also note that the disabled get no candidates either, we are part of your community and we vote. No doubt Labour will play their usual trick of getting black admin staff and a token disabled person to work in the office after the election. Shame on you all.
Not in your ward though? Not in St Anns Ward either. Does NIMBY apply? A pity people cannot choose the colour of their skin, or the degree of disability they have isnt it?
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