Through the Big Tree Plant, run by Defra and The Forestry Commission, The Conservation Volunteers are joining with Community Groups to establish community-led tree planting projects in areas that would benefit most - for example those with little greenery or tree cover. Between Oct 2012 and March 2015, we are aiming to plant 150,000 trees across England. If your group has an idea for planting trees on an area of land used by your local community we should be able to help.
The trees must be planted in streets or in green places that are open to all to visit, or where local people will benefit from them. Whoever owns the land must give permission and support to the project, and there must be a plan to care for the trees after they are planted. The scheme does not fund the planting of hedgerows, but can include the planting of individual trees in hedges that will grow on to maturity.