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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Time for action on Green Lanes! Lets have a festival on Grand Parade!

This article in the Journal this week highlights the problems that Crouch End traders are having at present. A combination of high rents, the 'credit crunch' and the CPZ has resulted in 10 per cent of their retail units standing empty. Local traders fear a 'spiral of decline'.
Well, recently, have you noticed how many businesses on Green Lanes have closed or are up for sale?
What is interesting is that traders in Crouch End are demanding something be done by the council and have put forward proposals like rate holidays for new business as well as banding together as the Crouch End Project, a collective of traders organising events and promotions to boost business. I note a similar intiative in Blackstock Road, posted by 'Finsbury Park' today.
My point is that Crouch End traders are actively demanding action and coming up with good ideas which could equally well be used here on our high street.
As well as encouraging new business, the GLSG and the local traders group which is part of it should be looking to work to promote what we already have which by our own admission we are more than happy with and advise them how to be more customer/woman/family/ whatever friendly and attractive to potential customers e.g.keeping shop fronts clean and tidy, controlling waste, preserving architectural detail, shop layout, even things like a local loyalty card such has been tried in places like Lamb's Conduit street (which was having the opposite problem of being swamped with chains).
Business is business and it would be an odd business that does not want to increase its customer base or that wants to be based in an area where shops are shutting around it.
The Green Lanes Action Group have done an excellent job in cleaning up this area, driving out crime, and making it more attractive but isn't it now time that they banded together into something more proactive rather than reactive and became 'The Green Lanes project' with the intention of promoting and supporting local business and ensuring that the problems besetting other areas do not come here and do not send our high street into a terminal decline.
'Grand Parade festival anyone?'

Tags for Forum Posts: Green Lanes, Green Lanes Strategy group, Harringay Festival, action, business development

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Liz, as one of those "very old men staring out the window" I'm seeking planning permission for a Wightman Road social club for antediluvians so we can clean up Green Lanes for youthful business entrepreneurial types. Like the Queen's Head we'll have a lower age limit - not 21 or 27, but 60. Admission by 'Freedom Pass - paid for by Haringey Council'. Wife (who has just collected her Freedom Pass ten minutes ago)will be Manageress. Membership application now open (25-year waiting list).
You may well be right about your status p.o.v. We'll pick it up.
Great idea - both the notoin of additional support to current/potential traders & the GL day. I hope you get some positive feedback.
Had some positive 'noises'. Will perhaps blog something when I have a little more to tell people.
Eddie, you will never be a 'very old man staring out the window' . If I saw you staring out of the window, I would be pretty certain that you are merely considering the next target for your razor sharp satire.
As the waiting list is 25 years, best put me on it. I'll have got my Freedom Pass by then.
Liz I am involved in the regeneration of local businesses in Park Royal. We do things like offer grants for businesses to do up frontages, etc. Say £5000, and this must be "match funded" (by the same amount) by the businesses, so a total of £10000. Two neighbours could chip in together, etc. It has proved very successful. Then you can work with local government to improve footpaths, roads, etc. Business Link or some North London Regeneration group would be the best people to approach with this. They get funded by the LDA or ERDF usually. There is a lot of red tape so a local group would have some difficulty organising, but I am happy to assist in any way I can.
That would be fab. I have had some positive feedback and I know the GLSG are meeting again soon. Ideally I would like to see some 'real world' group 'Friends of Green Lanes' involving residents of GL, traders and users from Harringay that worked with the council to get things done. If and when we ever get to that stage, Colin, I'll know who to call...!
Hi Liz, I have already responded your e-mail. No mention at all?
Hello Nilgun,
yes, I got your email but I wasn't sure if you were happy for me to share its contents with everyone on Harringay online. If its okay, I'll post something



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