After it was discovered at the St Ann's Labour Party selection candidate selection meeting that there were people present and voting who should not have been, I came home from the pub (where I'd heard about it) and wrote this article. It has subsequently been edited by site admins to remove the names of people who were embarrassed or in the final case where a journalist said it was potentially libellous. Well here I will attempt to summarise what we have subsequently found out and hopefully take people's attention away from my original appalling rant.
*An individual has asked that their name be replaced with their function in this post on the grounds that they are not seeking public office. This has been done.
Tags for Forum Posts: election2014, labour, st ann's labour, stanns
The 'hour in the library' could also be the Neighbourhood Forum. Not a lot of opportunity for roots-led discussion there, but still I'm looking forward to the next one for St Anns, and for all the other Hoods, as they give a glimmer of a chance to ask very limited questions of councillors in a public-ish space.
Speaking at a charity event in London, Mr Miliband said: "The Labour Party I lead will select its candidates in a fair and transparent way. We will act without fear or favour.
In an apparent indication that he regards the row as a chance to show that control of the party is in his hands, and not those of the union bosses, Mr Miliband said: "Let nobody be in any doubt, there is only going to be one outcome to this: the Labour Party will act in a way that upholds the integrity of our party, the integrity of our party members and the integrity of ordinary trade union members.
"I will not allow the good name of the Labour Party to be undermined by the behaviour of a few individuals."
Yeah right.
cfThe Labour party are apparently tolerating entryism in a bid to get new members. Although the addresses given on the memberships of three of the five people who voted are commercial premises on Green Lanes, and they shouldn't be tolerating this. One is 73 Grand Parade (Med-Chem Pharmacy) and the other is 40 Grand Parade (King Estates). These should have been glaring issues to the Ward Secretary and indeed the candidates themselves according to another Labour councillor. I don't hold out much hope for an appeal to the NEC, I think that their stance is that Zena and David brought it upon themselves by not checking carefully enough. What they didn't know is that their Ward Secretary (elected in a coup in July) had allowed these new members and used them to get his bloc vote high enough to oust the existing councillors.
In the end it was a close run thing. Only three of the 26 voters had gone into the meeting with an open mind. The victorious bloc included the five members signed up by Ali Ozbek, Charles Adje's three, and five others (so half the room). In the first round it was the three women and only one vote each. Voting went 14/10/1 in favour of Barbara Blake. I suspect that the chairman of the St Ann's ward was the person who withheld their vote and of the other two floating voters one voted for the candidate who received a single vote, the other for Barbara Blake (although when I asked him how he voted he couldn't remember and interestingly switched to voting for Zena in subsequent rounds). This is just speculation as the Ward Secretary is refusing to release the attendance records to the Constituency Secretary to check but the maths don't really work any other way given the information that I do have.
The second official along with the Ward Secretary who ran the meeting, Steve Hart, was implicated in the Falkirk Unite scandal. The think that the other official owes his ward an apology and a resignation.
I have been asked on more than one occasion to keep his name out of it. He seems to be the only name anybody cares about and their justification is that he is not running for office.
The St Ann's Ward Labour party seem to have taken a view that they will not contribute to the debate on here.
I'm not expecting a body called the St Ann's Ward Labour Party to post on HoL.
As a former Labour Party branch secretary, or at times a branch chair, I would never see my role as speaking on behalf of the entire branch unless something was put on the agenda and properly discussed at a meeting. And certainly I'd have discussed anything like this with the three sitting councillors.
In fact, it can easily be a cop-out for individuals to say: "'Not my role to stand up and speak out. I leave that to the branch officers".
In my view we all have a moral duty to speak out about misconduct in voluntary organisations we belong to. Or at the very least, keeping an open mind, to put serious questions and ask for evidence if such allegations are made by other people.
I'm not asking anyone to disprove speculation or opinion. I'm interested in facts. So, if anyone wants to correct errors of fact in anything I've posted online about the St Ann's Labour Party ward selection process, they are very welcome to contact me and point out where I've got things wrong.
If I have made a mistake then I will issue a public correction and a full apology.
(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)
I got something wrong this morning and have edited having been passed the correct information indirectly by Nora Mulready.
A few years back I collaborated with Nora Mulready on the "Certificates of Lawfulness" (COL) issue. People can apply for a COL from a planning department to confirm that an existing development or use is lawful - usually because it has been in existence for a certain length of time and therefore becomes lawful by default.
Nora, Bushy, Vix, me and some other HoL members shared the work of checking COL applications by a number of local property owners who had falsified documentation to try to persuade Haringey Planning Service that certain properties had been converted into separate flats more than four years previously. The "evidence" included for example: fake utility bills and tenancy agreements; and in one case a forged Statutory Declaration.
Nora was committed and enthusiastic abut this work. It resulted in a significant tightening-up of the lackadaisical and slapdash way in which Haringey then processed these applications.
To be clear, the point I'm making is not about "members" of St Ann's Labour Party being involved with COLs. It's about testing evidence.
Alan-take a deep breath, a step back and let the St Anns Ward Labour Party speak for themselves. Lets' hear from them.
About 3.5 years ago, a certain John Blake of the history-teaching trade wrote a tract inveighing against a member of the Harringay public whom he thought had impugned his family's privacy. Could this be the self-same John Blake? Is he related to Ms Barbara Blake? Or are they both just descendants of the romantic movement's New Jerusalem Blakes, settled in New Labour's Green and Peasant Land?
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