Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Anyone else suffering at the moment with this problem? We have been fighting a losing battle with them in our garden. We can't keep them out, despite putting up barriers (they have dug under the fence.) They seem to have no fear, and if you confront them just retreat to a fence and wait. We have had to put up with fox poo in the garden every day, the remains of their meals on the lawn, shoes and toys left out are taken and chewed, bird feeders taken, pots and plants knocked over and destroyed and - this is the final straw! - decapitated our one and only sunflower.... It was unsupported so the head was near the ground. It was intact in the morning but by early afternoon the head was at the other end of the garden bitten in half. I can't imagine a cat or a squirrel could have done that, so the atrocity must have been a fox, and, worryingly, in the middle of the day.

Also been seen rolling around on the lawn, like a family pet. I'm beginning to get a bit worried about leaving the children (1 and 5) in the garden, and having seen one wonder into next door's kitchen, need to think about having the kitchen door closed.

I've seen from other threads that the council won't do anything about foxes but I am going to complain and ask as I think it is becoming a risk. Don't think I should have to keep my doors closed!  If anyone else is suffering the same level of problem maybe you could think about letting the council know too? 

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Try removing any fruit trees from your garden. I felled a fig tree in my garden and the foxes stopped visiting. Bit of a shame but better than fox crap all over the place.

Is that a proven fact? I don't have fruit trees yet I often see foxes in my garden. I hope no one takes up your suggestion; many Ladder homes have wonderful fruit trees in their gardens.

Mark* i've heard some bizzare advice before but chopping trees down to deter foxes beats the lot. Thanks

At night I used to see a fox chomping on the fallen figs, loiter in my garden then take a crap. Removing the tree worked for me. I accept that it might be a coincidence that the fox no longer visits my garden.

I planted two fruitless cherry trees as replacements. Seems like reasonable behaviour to me.

Picked up a fox poo this morning. Damned nuisance - decided to napalm the garden - now no-one goes there.  

Crikey! That is quite radical!

Oh great, lets all shake poison arround our rare green spaces.

Give me strength

Think it might be tongue in cheek.
Got to love the HOL middle class nightmares! Imagine the horror of an unsupported sunflower being damaged by foxy loxy!

Can I check - it's still ok to criticise people on here for being middle class, just not for being "chavs"-  have I got that right? Yesterday morning first thing I had to scrape up a great big pool of fox / cat diarrohea right by my back door before my toddler toddled into it. I retched so much that I must be really and truly middle class!

Quelle Horror!
Gillian, what are you putting in your bins for your toddler to be stepping into cat, fox, bin rummager diarroeah? Are you SURE you're middle class? ;-)



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