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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Does anyone in the Roslyn Road/Seaford Road area have any courgettes with male flowers in bloom? My plants just have ladies right now. I would really appreciate an open male flower or a couple of cotton-buds of pollen.

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Does that mean your courgettes will not grow properly? Does only having female plants mean you do not get proper fruit from the plant? (I assume the correct term is fruit given their are seeds involved?).

the unfertilised courgettes get aborted and shrivel up. I think you can harvest them if you get  to them quickly enough but they are very teeny.

I cut off about 20 at the weekend :( I'm sure I will get male flowers again soon but thought if i could catch few ladies with some pollen before they closed I would at least have  a few courgettes in July.

I bet after worrying I have a glut in September now!

Ah, understood. Having looked I seem to have some male flowers on there, one about to open last night, and others on a different plant. You are welcome to pop over with your cotton buds! IM me.

This has all been highly educational...

I do know some green-fingered bods around Seven Sisters (not me sadly, I draw the line at window boxes) so will put the word around.



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