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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Further to my post last week, Haringey Council have today started a consultation for the Trader and GLA led project to spruce up Harringay's stretch of Green Lanes.

A copy of a six-page fold out document detailing the options for consultation is being posted through the letter boxes of Harringay residents today.

If you're a home and you've seen it, what do you think? Do you like the lights on top of the Salisbury?

Link: Online Consultation 

Tags for Forum Posts: harringay regeneration 2012-13, high street parking, high streets, outer london fund

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Good point. The bridge at the junction of Alroy and Wightman is unequivocally 7.5 T max with no " for access " exceptions, so no heavy lorries and no buses .

well strengthen the bridge then !

It may not be possible. There was a project to close and rebuild the bridge but it was still going to be  max 7.5 T.

I was thinking you could potentially keep green lanes two way with buses - seeing as there are technically four lanes at the moment (if you include the parking area) you would have a dedicated bus lane going against the traffic flow, and then the other buses go with the traffic flow (you probably wouldn't want two bus lanes - it might be overkill!)

You wouldn't want buses going along Wightman road really - both for the residents and the poor people on the buses!  I get enough of a rough time over the humps on my bike / in the car, it would be horrible on the top of a 29!

To add another thread to this long thread (and prompt some discussion about multiculturalism in our area) - I wonder if there's not a point we're all missing, which is that the key investors in the shops in this area seem to me (an immigrant myself) to be Turkish / Kurdish /Greek and not really English per se. So why are we wanting the area to hark back to Victorian times, when the main investment has come from immigrants? Why not celebrate the amazing bright signs that the local kebaberies put up, and the beautiful fruit and vegetable displays that they have created, instead of wanting Green Lanes to turn into just another high street with old school signs? In fact, I find most High Streets in London disappointingly 'samey'. I know that the shopkeepers have been involved in the consultation - but to what degree do they actually want their shopfronts to look 'victorian' instead of looking, well, 'green lanes'? 

i do think that the shop fronts / layouts need to be improved, to the benefit of locals and the shops / restuarants.

a restaurant on upper st comes to mind i havent been to for years, gallipoli, they didnt spend a fortune on it but its got real character as a turkish restaurant and its was always packed,

compare that with the plasticky flourescent lit places on green lanes, thats not all of the restaurants, that probably cost more than gallipoli to fit out. same goes for greek, fish n chips whatever.the fruit and veg displays dont need a horrible shop front to make them look good. its a general issue does not belong exclusively to immigrant places by any means

Burgoyne Bec and paddyk are both on the ball here. Why hasn't Harringay/Green Lanes been renamed Gallipoli/Canakkale/Gelibolu years ago? With Great War commemorations coming up, surely this local rebranding should be completed by, say, 25 April 2015?  I look forward to support for my proposal  both from my Turkish neighbours and our ANZac allies on this site.

But, paddyk, if I hear any further loose talk about strengthening 7.5T bridges on our Wightman patch, you may meet your own Gallipoli. Weak bridges are resident- & pedestrian-friendly.

off topic and not funny. the only loose talk is reply 2.

paddyk, those of us who have lived a very long time on Wightman Road, and who imagine we've endured a similar span of years on HOL wading through every johnny-come-lately's tuppence worth re Green Lanes & Wightman Road, will determine whether or not we're "off topic" and whether or not our comments are intended as serious or funny.

My neighbour Susan's comment suggests something of our efforts as local WR residents to "traffic calm" the rat-run that was Wightman Road. Not entirely successful in so far as our 20mph zone is still noticed more in the breach than the observance. Still, a helluva lot better than it was. We've spent too long asserting our road as an integral wing of the Ladder, and asserting it with LBH and TFL as a heavily residential road rather than just a stretch of the B138 to want to restore its rat-run convenience as a relief for an 'A' Road such as Green Lanes.

Pretty much on topic, I think, with no suggestion of being funny.

Horrified to hear they want to get rid of bus lanes. I get 29 to work (Camden) and back ... buses can move quickly along due to bus lanes. Slow bit outside Homebase(no bus lane ) The whole of GL wd end up gridlocked. I'd have to take tube. No no no...

Transferred from another post:

Posted by judy gahagan on November 26, 2012 at 10:49 

the current proposals to spend money titivating Green Lanes will do nothing to make the region more habitable for residents, workers and traders. The gridlock traffic that damages the health of locals, impedes public transport, makes crossing from one side to another a dangerous and frustrating chore gets no mention in the proposals.The need to create more bus lanes, cycle paths and pedestrian crossings is not mentioned indeed there's a proposal to CLOSE a bus lane. The local traders seem to suffer under the delusion that people must drive to get their vegetables etxc. We need big disincentives to private traffic e.g. abolition of parking except for deliveries, bus lanes, cycle pathas etc. Anything else is a waste of money. As for the celebrated 'vibrancy' of the area- much of this consists of betting shops and unnecessary jewellery shops.

the situation on green lanes is intolerable. the east and west side of the lanes are cut off from each other. the one way traffic+bus and cycle lane is worth considering. a large stretch of one way - but wightman / green lanes are accessible all the way up the ladder and traffic flow might be smoother so residents might approve after initial reservations.

someone mentioned the trams in istanbul, i think there used to be a tramline in green lanes, maybe its time to reconsider one. that would do wonders. alot of disruption i know but could it be fast tracked? how quickly could it be built, best case i wonder. the locality would thrive thats for sure.



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