Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Bad news folks...the unit next to Costa Coffee, in the property formerly known as Burger King is, as I write, being transformed into a decidedly unwelcome branch of BetFred. I had hoped the application had been turned down, but I just walked past, saw some activity and questioned a workman.

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So disheartening...
That is dispiriting. it is much harder to oppose premises on a high street like Wood Green. See blog on gambling premises and also Deptford Dame for fab blogs and action in Deptford vs proliferation of betting shops.
I said the closure of Burger King was a bad thing. I would have liked to see a decent pub maybe there but the reality is that the local populace will probably welcome the new tenants.
The economy slides into crisis and shops are closing left right and centre but betting shops just keep springing up! They seem to be the only part of the service economy doing a roaring trade.

I agree, it would have been better to see a cafe or ... well, almost _anything_ other than another betting shop. They suck the life - and the money - out of the local community. I suppose they do well because as economic times become more desperate, and Britain begins to seem to everyone to be a "casino society", the temptation to gamble gets greater.

On the plus side, at least the other half of what used to be BK is a coffee shop/cafe.

I don't agree that's a plus side at all. At least families could and would go in to Burger King. What would parents take their kids into Costa for - to get fat on hot chocolates at two quid a pop and spill them down the faux leather sofas?

As for betting shops, as I already said, the local community (ie local to HERE) like them, that's why they keep opening.

No Paulie, they keep opening because the people who come for ten betting shops (40 FOBTs) will come for eleven. It's not just our neighbours gambling.

Good to look on the bright, Costa side..... I guess there is a limit to how many cafes that are sustainable in any one shopping area but oddly enough, they seem to be popular and full most of the time. Costas do well, that one at the Arena always looks full to me.

I think some blokes use betting shops as a place to go for the day, like it's a replacement for a place of work. Maybe they consider it their job, to try to make some money and they can socialise with their mates in there. I think it must be about more than the betting, but male bonding etc. OK some women too! But they are still predominantly male. I'm interested in the way that our venues for working/socialising are changing and transforming such as using cafes to work with laptops etc. Sorry- I am veering away from the betting shop issue! That's the sociologist in me coming out.... 

Like people on laptops in pubs (ie, the Salisbury)... Urghh....
That is madness, 19 - why on earth are there so many and how do they all manage to keep going? There is a Ladbrokes (I think) on St Annes road opposite our wonderful corner shop which always seems fairly busy.
Good point! I've dragged the boy away from the front of Quicksilver in tears on more than one occasion.

And if you cant be bothered to drag yourself out, or your kids out of Quicksilver, there is always online gambling... Spoilt for choice, arent we? 




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