The deadline is fast approaching and a few people have floated the idea that we should apply for some
Making the difference money to support the website.
Hugh wrote recently in relation to this idea
If a nomination was made to support marketing, website fees (what's already being paid (not much) + extra so we can get rid of the ads) and possibly provision for an allowance for additional moderators that would be great for the site. But I think it would have to be clear that the money wouldb't be for me and would have to properly accounted for for specific things.
Empyrean Aisles noted:
I think this site would actually be an excellent contender for one of these awards. It's brought people from the same area together - I've had real and virtual conversations with people who I'd never have come into contact with had it not been running. I know it doesn't have the 'physical' (perhaps tangible is a better term) presence of something like a dog show or a mural, but in the 21st century this is one of the ways that people connect with each other and with the institutions in their community, and I think even in its first few months of running has shown the massive potential it has for good. (I'm thinking of the way it mobilised people into action against the applications for gambling licences but I'm sure there are other examples.)
Is there anyone reading this who has had experience of making a bid for money?
Do you think that if we popped in a bid using the above (EA, hope you don't mind me borrowing your words) that we could be successful or could you suggest a better angle?
I don't mind sticking my name on it but I think the collective brain of the 400 + members on this could be invaluable in putting the bid together...but we only have until 31st March.
Contributions please!
MTD group
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