Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just to warn you all. Last night a man rang my door bell and asked if I had "received the paper work about the local telephone exchange being upgraded?" Then he asked if I had a landline. This sounded familiar to me from doorstep scam discussions on HoL - thank you HoL for a true community service - so I got rid of him quickly. I presume it is some kind of phone selling scam. I would not have answered the door if I hadn't been expecting a friend. I live on Beresford.

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We had someone this evening purporting to be from Save the Children, he had ID and appeared to be genuine but was going for a very hard sell approach to getting money from us. My partner has just been made redundant and even telling him that wouldn't shift him. I had to step in and tell him he was overstepping the mark. It's bad enough having to dodge chuggers outside practically every tube station in London, but when they start hounding you at home too...

Are some collectors for genuine charities on commission (or, like parking wardens, working to a target)?

Also, I get put through the door, plastic bags for old clothes etc. that will collected later by a company that states its raising funds for a good cause. This may be true, but at some point, the proportion of funds raised, that they pass on to the worthwhile caus, may be so low as to constitute a scam.

Just after new year someone knocked on my mums door, she lives on her own so i went to the door because i didnt like the way he was edging forward and it looked dodgy to me, anyway he stepped back when he saw a not so old dear open it and said sorry that he wanted the same number on the next rd to which i couldnt follow him as i had to put the grandchild in the push chair. Needless to say i knocked on the same door no in the next road and low and behold-nobody had knocked nor was anyone expected, called police immediately to rty and locate him before he would get some other unsuspecting old dear to open the door to him. Just in case, balding or shaved, short but quite built, white trainers and jeans, black jacket. Police know of him and think he is a crack head

The amount of replies to this scam story shows that there are a lot of people out there willing to knock on doors to try to get something from some of us. Not answering the door is now probably the best policy all round. I hate to say it but as the austerity drive and cuts bite, there will be more people at our doors probably, some of them genuine trying to sell a service to earn a few bob, but the majority of them not so.... 


Hmm. I've applied for a Census job which involves - wait for it - going round knocking on doors with a questionnaire. Might take longer than I anticipated. :-(
Oh dear.... dont wear any of the clothes mentioned in descriptions of dodgy characters! Dont wear trainers or a hoodie... Dont envy anyone doing that job! But good luck

My 79 year old mother is a resident on the Harringay Ladder and has owned her home where she has felt safe for the last 46 years. On Friday last week at approx 11am the door was knocked by someone pretending to need some water for his car. He was a big built 6 ft man with what the neighbour believes to be a Polish accent. My mum opened the door to him then closed it and went off to get the water, opened the door to him again and gave him the water then unfortunately opened the door again to be given back the bucket to which he then pushed it in on top of her and proceeded to demand money with the threat of a large kitchen knife. Fortunately he didnt harm her even though she began to shout and kicked him and made enough noise to attract the attention of the next door neighbour who started ringing my mums bell and asking, 'are you alright mum' to which the burglar opened the front door and ran off. I have contacted friends who live locally and have heard that there has been 2 other distraction burglaries recently with the same description of the man given and cant help but think that if it were put out in the local media that it may save some other old dear from the same distressing fate. My mum knows not to open the door to anyone but somehow was fooled that morning but feel had she of read of a man operating in local streets previous to Friday-she would have been more wary. Just wondering why the police do not insist on the news being put out, have read of recent ones in the Enfield area where i live and cant help but think forewarned is forearmed. Please warn any old dears you know locally that may be vunerable to this kind of thing.




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