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All change at Manor House - an invitation to comment on Hackney's plans for Manor House

With all the changes afoot at Woodberry Down, Hackney are looking to smarten up Manor House.

They've published a plan with a few options and, via Haringey Council, have asked for your views on their plans...which is a nice gesture.

In particular on:

* The Vision and objectives for Manor House
* Proposed new square aimed at improving the Manor House area
* Height of the buildings around Manor House
* Proposed cafe and community space at the entrance to Finsbury Park
* Ability to move to, from and within the area

Full details here.

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I think it likley that Haringey are aware since I was informed by them and there's a link on the consultation part of Haringey's website.
I like the idea of a new square
Yes, but in Harringay please - I made this plea for open space here last night.
Perhaps if Iceland supermarket was to go out of business (sorry to those of you who like it) then we could knock down the building and have a lovely square with benches and flowers.
I like the proposed plans for Manor House, it's in dire need of something! The idea of widening a bit into Finsbury Park is a good one because the bus stops there get very crowded and could do with more space. Perhaps that's where the square should go then we could have more space for waiting bus passengers and keep it open and parklike.
It does seem to make good sense to make less restricted access to tube, bus stops and Finsbury Park - and a nice cafe.

*Anne: the final paragraph of their main document ("Brochure...") makes it clear that they are making no ownership or planning jurisdiction claims over that corner of FP. I think they call it "an area of influence" for the MH Area Action Plan, and that it "would be for Haringey Council to take forward these suggestions" (quoting from memory!)
@RuthE I'd miss Iceland, I'd prefer the levelling and landscaping of Metrobetland, personally.
Nice they are paying an interest, it will be useful to read more about the proposals and how they will be funded. Given the impending crippling of local authority budgets- does this really stand a cat in hell chance of going anywhere?.

The one thing I have to say I am absolutely not going to be happy with is increased commercialisation of Finsbury Park. The areas identified (I believe) are areas where the park nursery currently reside. Where will they go? Does the park not already have an excellent cafe? Could the regeneration not see a cafe sited outside the park boundaries in one of the other sites being redeveloped?

The concept of 'retail' in the park boundaries does not sit well. I was ambivalent to the 5-aside proposal, with any positive sentiment being because I felt it might have some social utility on a space that might not be being used to its full potential. I do not see the need for anything remotely ‘retail’...



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