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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I was telling my son that there used to be a gun shop on Green Lanes when I first moved to the area (1987). He was interested to know more about it, but I can't really remember anything more than that there was a figure in the window that moved a gun up and down.

Can anyone else tell me more?

There was also a funeral parlour nearby, and I used to tell people that Green Lanes had everything! Now it's mainly food and jewellry shops.

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The gunshop on the corner toward the bottom of green lanes sold mostly 'working' firearms shotguns, .22 rifles and revolver pistols for controlling vermin. But not semi-autos like 9mm which are for shooting people in attack or defence.

I remember some idiot trying to rob ( ! ! ! ! !) the gunshop wearing a crash helmet. While they were threatening to shoot the owner they did not, because of the crash helmet, see another person (customer) come from behind and shoot them in the head, dead.

This was around the late 80's. There was also a gang of two that robbed all the banks on green lanes with guns using a motorcycle and harringay passage to escape. I came across them robbing Nationwide next to the post office one morning. It's next to the main bustop but the people continued waiting for their bus and ignored the robbery even though the robbers dropped a few hundred on the pavement escaping folk were more interested in getting to work. Remembering all this reminds me how quiet green lanes is these days in regard armed robbery, stabbing etc because of the cameras everywhere.
I would later move to new york to work in the gun industry but i wish i had taken more notice of this funny little shop with its full size manequin of a 'farmer' waving a shotgun up and down. Every kid loved it.

Blast from the past. Used to supply local residence their Shotguns for Home Visit's. Did move the Shop to Gt Cambridge Road - for a while, but closed down for Several Years

Haringey's Only Gun - Air Gun Shop is Pax Gun's Archway Road -Haringey's Largest Exporter - As Manufactures Air Gun Pellets for Export and Home Market Place 

www.paxguns.co.uknd that has one of those working puppets with a Gun in the left Window

The gun shop was at the bottom of Pemberton Road in what was forerly the London Co-operative green grocers shop. It caused consternation when it opened and was mainly patronised by the Greek Cypriot community. Goodness knows how it got a license

Are you sure? I lived on Seymour Road and remember there was a gun shop at the bottom of the road, (on Seymour not GL)

That’s the one I remember - on the the north side of the street 

There was indeed a gun shop at the bottom of Seymour Road in the premises behind what is now ‘Chickenways’.  It was burgled in the early 1990s.  I recall the police going house to house in Seymour Road asking if anyone had ’seen or heard anything’.  It shut down as a result and did not re-open. Those were the days….

Go back 80 years further and from 1903, you'd have found a rifle range in the left hand unit of the double fronted Greens grocery store.

Hornsey & Finsbury Park Journal, 19th September 1903

Separation of the shop and the rifle range by a curtain?  Health and safety gone mad if you ask me.

Rifle ranges must have been much more common then, my first full-time job was with WHSmiths in Portugal Street W1 in 1968 and they had a operational rifle range and active club on the roof...

The Gun-shop was owned by John Dilley, I even repaired the telephone in there once. The shop was robbed via the flat above by burglars slipping through the rafters, they even left dropping live cartridges outside in the road. He ran a clay shoot on a farm in the Broxbourne area and was also involved in game and rough shooting, some of the quarry I'd see going to the local (Green Lanes) butchers.  He eventually moved to one of the shops along the Great Cambridge Road but was apparently closed down by the police on a discrepancy with a stock tally/check. He had a son called Richard but I have not seen or heard of him for years.

Dilly’s the gun shop at the bottom of Pemberton when I first moved in, in 1990. Friends who visited always commented on it. I can’t remember when it closed down though.

Thanks Elaine, it was Dilly's without the 'e'. I found a glossy business card of his recently bit have since mislaid it, if I find it again I'll post it up. He moved to the GCR mid-90s.



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