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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Should the Council allow residents to re-use and recycle at the Reuse and Recycling Centres?

I use the Hornsey Reuse and Recycling Centre. Every time I go there I notice stuff I could re-use.

For instance, my freezer baskets have split and it's a common make. There are plenty of small freezers dumped and if I could look, eventually I'd find replacements. Some of the electrical stuff (loudspeakers etc) I could certainly re-use rather than buying new. There are loads of books and some furniture that are crying out to be re-circulated - I love rummaging amongst old books.

The people who work there have a warm, community spirit and give the place a touch of class. One day a sign went up - 'No Salvage'. They said something about Health and Safety and it seemed that a manager somewhere (i.e. not them) had imposed this sanction on us.

Apparently Camden allow salvage. Can their scheme be copied? Could there be a notice stating that every resident salvages at their own risk?

Who in the Council has the power to re-introduce salvage? I don't want to engage them (divide and conquer) as I'm just an individual. As everyone has or can obtain internet access nowadays, I'd like the Council to read this post and reply here, or in any public internet forum.

Any suggestions as to how to bring this about so we can salvage salvage?

Tags for Forum Posts: consultation, green, recycling, reuse, rubbish, salvage

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I noticed this too. They do allow you to look through books and take books (my partner can't resist this and hasn't ever been told no). So I suspect it is about health and safety and, perhaps, the hassle of needing to do a bit more sorting out of things.

What do Camden do? Do they have an 'at your own risk' sign? I can see how that might work for the electrical items and other things that don't get put in the large containers, but surely Camden don't allow people to climb into the containers?

In terms of engaging with the Council, I don't think posting here is the best way forward. What about contacting the relevant bit of the Council directly, or perhaps via your Councillor? But I'm sure others will have more information about that.
I always assumed that (apart from the Health and Safety aspect ) salvageable goods are sold on, even for scrap, to help pay for the service.
Actually, Haringey council supplies the local charity Restore who do up the stuff and pass it on to those in need. and also IT equipment goes to Maxitech based in the chocolate factory in Wood Green for recycling. See HOL wiki page

A couple of people you can pursue this issue of residents being allowed to salvage with are the Director of Urban Environment: niall.bolger@haringey.gov.uk and the new cabinet member for environmental issues: nilgun.canver@haringey.gov.uk
Thanks Liz - you're marvellous! Glad the Council are doing things so well. I don't suppose there could be a scheme for the valueless bits they don't re-use as I guess it's too fiddly - never mind.
Good thought Chris - also a note to your councillors perhaps?
Thanks Hugh but my councillor is not part of the ruling party in power and I understand that therefore they can't do much, if anything. Also it's so trivial it's not worth people's time - probably cost the council more than it would save, which would be wrong, wouldn't it?

As an aside, I blush that I didn't notice the HoL Wiki page which, as Liz so helpfully pointed out, answers the question and stops people wasting their time answering an already-answered question. Is there a ning facility you could add to the site to keyword-search posts so that links to relevant HoL wiki items would automagically appear? Be good to put them in a confirmation email when someone starts a discussion - is that practical or am I dreaming?
Dreaming..........nice dreams, but dreams.

I think it's still worth raising the issue with a councillor, even it he/she's minority party. At the least they can ask questions in the right places.

If the solution is about reconsidering a decision and adding notices a la Camden, then I'm not sure it'd be that costly.
Ha! Silly you. One of ours is the deputy mayor now. Nothing can stand in our way! Expect the Labour led armies of Harringay to be marching under the Turnpike Lane bridge to reclaim Hornsey for the workers!
Steady on, John! You'll set my an-gina off again.
The Wiki page is a work in progress, as a wiki tends to be:) I noticed a couple of the links had stopped working so I dropped a line to the Green Team at Haringey and they have sent me some information about what happens to electrical items. Restore seems to deal with nearly all the useable things and the rest is sent off to be recycled by various specialist companies. Anyway I've updated the page with the latest info and added some stuff about how to get rid of unwanted IT equipment. Thanks Chris for prompting me to update it.



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