Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I was going for a walk around 730pm Tuesday evening. I was nearing Harringay, Green Lanes overground station when a man- middle aged, stocky, white- walked out of the overground station. There was a guy walking in front of me and the man who had left the station just walked towards him and started punching him. It was a flurry of punches, totally random, and the man being punched did his best to dodge them and walked on. I saw this happening only feet from me so thought I had better not catch this guy's eyes or be in his way so I moved to the edge of the kerb. The man walked towards me and started to punch me. I can't really remember where he hit but I think it was mostly on the head and ears- definitely not in the face anyway. I tried to move out of his way and kept on walking. I didn't want to look behind me in case I attracted his attention and he came back but I did wonder if he literally tried to punch everyone he saw and how that was going to turn out.

I am physically fine but I am pretty shocked and shaken. I am guessing there has to be CCTV footage- it was on Green Lanes by the station and i know that it happened around 725pm so my question is should I report this and if so who to? Is there anyone who knows a specific person to report this to? My worry was if he does to anyone else which seems at the very least plausible.

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Really sorry to hear this. I think maybe what you call the rational part of your brain is the intuitive part reinforced by logical thinking. The other part is understandable fear. Please listen to your intuitive and rational self. It was horrible, but very unusual. Anything similar is unlikely to happen again. Your logical thinking process knows that. I hope you can love that fearful part of yourself and tuck it gently away, put this prick to one side and carry on as before. 

It's not just Green Lanes. I almost got knocked over by an escooter outside Dunns in Crouch End a couple of years back. You can run into thoughtless and crazy people anywhere, but thankfully the occasions area rare. 

So very sorry you experienced this Sarfraz. It will take time for you to recover from the shock and the disappointment you feel after this horrible attack. I live very nearby and can tell you that there are sometimes some very angry people out there. Some may have mental issues, addiction problems etc but we should not be subject to random attacks like this.

Please look after yourself. You can see the amount of support you have here and do hope the police act on this to try to prevent it reoccurring. 

It does return but don't beat yourself up if you don't feel right for a while, it's perfectly normal to be on guard in these situations. Just remember the vast majority of interactions aren't like this.

So sorry to hear this. Saw you post it on twitter - absolutely agree with everyone about reporting it. A horrible thing to go through and try to process. There have been a few brazen daylight muggings and assaults on and near Green Lanes shared in school/ nursery WhatsApp groups in the last month.

Oh that’s a bit worrying- where on Green Lanes did these assaults happen?

Sorry to hear about this, Sarfraz. I wonder if it's the same 'middle-aged, stocky, white' chap who smashed everyone's wing mirrors with a metal bar on Mattison Road on 16 April.

That particular guy was kicking over all the bins on Mattison Road again early Tuesday evening so it seems plausible… (or at least, he wasn’t in a good mood…)

I can't say if it was the same guy- am hoping there is CCTV of what happened to me and they can identify him. I would love to know if he carried on trying to hit people as he walked along Green Lanes- it seems a questionable strategy. 

Bit late finding this thread. It could well be the same guy who smashed a window on Duckett Road by the passageway, and assaulted various people. This was about 6-8 weeks ago I think. I heard someone threaten to stab someone to death from my flat, and reported those incidents. Did anyone get a photo of this person? This is a very serious case of mental illness, and that person needs to be sectioned as soon as possible.



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