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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The following from the Gardens Residents' Association:

RE: Potential Walk about in the Gardens with Enforcement

I am in the process of trying to arrange and iron out dates and times for a walkabout in the Gardens Area with the new enforcement team that the Council have set up.

Our enforcement Officer is Maria and will be also attending the next GRA meeting on Monday 8th Feb at the KCC at 7.30pm to discuss and report on local issues.

I am trying to firm up a potential walkabout this Friday 5th Feb with Maria.

Can you let me know if you have any particular issues with curtain addresses that you want reported to the Council or have concerns with

Enforcement can issues warrants and check on for example;
Unlicenced or overflowing skips
Overgrown shrubs hedges
Dumped rubbish in / unsightly Front Gardens
Dumped Rubbish on Street Corners
Estate Agents Signs ( ie. Longer than over 28 days)

If you have anything that you want fed back to enforcement concerning the above - please let me know asap so I can compose a list for Maria and for us to visit. Also you want to join the walk about please let me know - the idea is to keep it to a small group.

Please note this walkabout is not specifically about street litter issues - this is about enforcement



If any Gardens resident has any issues they wish to raise, either contact the GRA direct or add the here and I'll make sure they get brought to Andy's attention.

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Hi Hugh, is Salisbury Road included in the gardens (I know it doesn't have "gardens" in its name but it is right next to them)?
Hi Katy
Maria is the street enforcement officer for St Ann's ward so she can and will deal with any problems you have.

I just wanted to say that Geraldo(street enforcement officer Harringay ward) has also discussed with local community volunteers having a walk about in Harringay ward - I haven't a date yet but when I do I will do a similar post to this so I can draw his attention to them. Maria and Geraldo also work together for Green Lanes so any problems there can also be flagged up with them.
I think traditionally the GRA don't include Salisbury, but as Liz has said it's absolutely in Maria's scope so we can make sure she sees any feedback you add here. OK?
Great - thanks Liz & Hugh. I was going to comment on the increasing amount of dog cr@p that is appearing. Bloody disgusting - but I guess there isn't much that can be done proactively without knwoing who the culprits are.
I would encourage people to record their issues and then there can be an informed dialogue with the street enforcement folk.
Yes, 19 Kimberley Gardens they've had a cut down tree in their front yard and spilling onto the road for what feels like a year, it's gathering rubbish and really isn't nice! Also outside 83 Kimberley, the phone switch box is used as a bin. I've asked the council numerous times for a bin on that corner to no avail.

"Yes, 19 Kimberley Gardens they've had a cut down tree in their front yard and spilling onto the road for what feels like a year, it's gathering rubbish and really isn't nice!"

It was actually No 17 with the help of some people at No 23 who cut down their tree. I don't think they were too happy when they returned home but it was too late by then.
Hi All
thanks for your info I will pass this onto Maria your comments to date
I have been trying to arrange the walkabout with the Community Volunteer Wardens in the Gardens Area - but we cant seem to agree on a time and date before our next GRA (Gradens Residents Assoc) meeting on Monday.

Can I suggest the best thing is that you come along to our next GRA Meeting on Monday 8th Feb at the Kurdish Community Centre on Portland Gardens off Stanhope Gardens at 7.30pm where Maria ( from Enforcement ) and Peter Dresser (from Street Cleaning) will be attending, if you have issues in the Gardens / St Ann's Ward.

Katy - you are right Salibury Road is not covered by the GRA as it does not have Gardens in the Name - but I will bring your issues up about "Dog Mess"in Salisbury. You are more than welcome to attend our meeting if you wish to meet Maria- I thought Salisury Road / St Ann's road had a Residents group via Mario - but maybe Im wrong - if you want to set a residents group I suggest you contact Dave Morris at the Haringey Federation of Residents Associations HFRA at
www.haringeyresidents.org .

Lauren - I will inform Maria about the tree at 19 Kimberley Gardens overhanging with rubbish issue

Just to remind everyone - anyone can report issues like dumped rubbish via the Council Freephone number on 08000724585 this takes you straight to Enterprise who will Log Dumped items and are generally cleared within 24hrs - I would encorage everyone to do this - its a great service.

I hope this helps - but I would encourage anyone who has issues with i.e. neighbours untidy front gardens, Estate agents boards, over flowing skips etc .ie. Enforcement Issues and you live in the Garden you should attend our next meeting


Andy - GRA Vice Chair and Community Garden Co-ordinator
Hi Andy

As I'm sure you know, as well as phoning-in about dumped rubbish and other environmental problems, residents can also use the Council's website Report-a-Problem form . Maybe GRA could suggest this option to members?

I like being able to report problems quickly, online at any time - especially if I see something from the bus on my way home. It's quick and efficient if you keep to essentials - what's dumped and where. (Filling in personal details is optional. I give my email address to get an acknowledgement with a reference number. )
The small gated car park immediately behind Ladbrokes on the corner of Rutland Gardens and Green Lanes is full of rubbish bags that have been there for at least 6 months, and are spilling out their contents. I think the parking space is used by Ladbrokes manager. The area is almost never cleaned and currently looks like a rubbish tip.
There is an ogoing problem (years!) on the corner of Roseberry Gardens and Green Lanes. Rubbish is left by residents of the flats above the shops and piles up day after day on both sides of the street. It eventually gets ripped apart by foxes etc and spill all over the road. There seems to be little or no attempt to address this or to clean it up on a regular basis. The area also attracts fly tippers. Many thanks for help in addressing this.



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