Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This happened near to my daughter's flat - she heard the victim's screams - a 20 year old girl coming back from a night out - at 7 a.m this morning. Police have ticker-taped the area.

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I was interested in the fact that the leaflet distributed by the SNT before Xmas (with useful tips about avoiding burglary etc) didn't mention this at all, even though it did talk about the need to walk confidently when out and about and so on.

I wasn't sure why they didn't mention the two attacks - whether it was a deliberate attempt to avoid scaring people, an oversight, a leaflet produced for a wider area and so couldn't be too specific? Personally I think they missed a good opportunity to alert people as I'm sure there are many in the area who still know nothing about what happened.
And arguably, they are better off for not knowing.
(reply to John) I don't think so at all. It is far better to be able to make decisions with as much information as possible. To be aware that there is an attacker in this area means that instead of regarding all approaches as innocent until it may be too late it gives women the opportunity to plan their safety by avoiding dark areas, walking assertively, phoning someone to keep an eye out, carrying an attack alarm and having it ready, being alert and ready to shout out etc. I think all women in the area should be alerted and warned as I think there are probably many who still do not know.
Someone suggested having a community walk through the passage, I think this is a really good idea to subvert the feeling of danger that people obviously feel and to publicise the attacks so that all women are able to arm themselves with an alarm and also to remain alert.
re my previous posting....'subvert' is the wrong word. In an earlier post Osbawn suggested a group walk through the passage and expressed it better, that it could be a way of 'reclaiming' the passage, maybe a way of asserting that this is our area as well as a way of letting local women know of the attacks.
With you all the way.
How do you know this? Do you have confirmation of crimes committed in the passage as serious as the ones committed on Green Lanes and Ladder Roads last year? What is it exactly about the passage that makes you think it's not safe for women, I'm obviously missing something here.

BTW, I do my best to make it SAFER for everyone by using it, especially late at night and jumping on people who post on here that it IS dangerous when that's just what they think, not what they know.
John, its not just 'empirical' evidence thats important here though is it?

I can completely understand why the perception its unsafe - true or not - influences people's decision to use it. The passage is quiet, not brilliantly lit at every point and has plenty of blind spots that residents either side cannot see from their windows.

That - believe it or not - could be reason enough why many women on HoL, and living locally, feel that the Passage is unsafe and thus might choose not to use it. And i dont think its really for you as a man, to be deciding whether its 'rational' for women to feel safe there or otherwise. Perhaps the real question we should all be looking at is how can the Passage be improved so that it feels safer to use as much as actually reducing crime - if in fact it is a problem there?

That way we improve what, to some, is currently a no-go zone. And i think we'd all agree that there should be no such places in a well connected community such as ours :-)
And i dont think its really for you as a man, to be deciding whether its 'rational' for women to feel safe there or otherwise. Perhaps the real question we should all be looking at is how can the Passage be improved so that it feels safer to use as much as actually reducing crime - if in fact it is a problem there?

I'm not asking women to feel 'safe' I'm asking them not to post their fears on here. I'm also asking men not to post on their behalf. They're not helping anyone other than themselves.
One way of improving the passage is by not dissing it on HoL. Want to try it? My way of improving it is by using it and jumping on people who post their (IMHO) irrational fears of it on here. 3 people DIED on Green Lanes this year. Two sexual assaults (including this one) happened on Ladder roads.

The passage is quiet, not brilliantly lit at every point and has plenty of blind spots that residents either side cannot see from their windows.

Oh and that helped in this case, brilliant lighting, windows, neighbours. Believe me, there is as much reason to be scared about using it if you're a mugger as a mugee. If you know of a spot where the lighting is poor well let's deal with that.
John you are like a rottweller about the passage . Ask your wife, sister,mother,daughter etc if they would want 2 walk down it alone after dark? Please don't tell the women of Harringay what to do and dismiss real fears based on statistical evidence.
Source: Research Development and Statistics (CRCSG) Home Office In 2003/04 there were a total of 12,354 recorded offences of rape of a female, th represents an increase of eight per cent from the previous year. from the previous year.
Are those the latest stats or is there any specific figures for recent years?

Overall stats issued in the last few days have revealed a fall in recorded crime including those of a violent sexual nature. This of course doesn't take into account those that are not reported which I would imagine to be a fair amount.


The figures are down in both recorded and BCS reports. I am of the belief that whilst there is a real threat to women (and men) this countries media is become more Americanised and the climate of fear grows as does the multitude of news portals.

The crime stats look like they have decreased in most areas over the last ten years, apart from knife crime in the capital that has risen 41% - nice one Boris!
I've re-read a lot of your previous posts in here. We're just going over old ground.

Thanks Saph, see you at the next drinks.



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