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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From a Council press release:

The Liveable Crouch End project is currently on hold at the request of TfL. Proposed designs as part of the project include measures such as footway widening and cycle routes – which will support TfL’s social distancing priorities. These designs will now feed into further borough-wide assessments being undertaken by the Council relating to the Mayor’s Street Space programme.

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It neither pleases nor displeases me. I merely wished to establish a fact. I have provided the origin of my information which tends to contradict yours. 

"on hold" is very different to "continuation". They can't both be true?

and your reference to "the council" is really very vague.

My goodness, you're an untrusting sort. As I said in my original post, it was a press release. How is that even slightly vague?

If this is so important to you, please email the press office, point them to my post and seek the clarification you need.

Feel free to then come back and share with us all what they tell you - but please only if your reference is not is the teeniest bit vague.

This is the source? Or obviously an article that deals with the info in the press realease....www.hamhigh.co.uk

Thank you, JJB! Not the source but clearly recipients of the same press release.

Clearly the same source, referred to even less convincingly as "the town hall".

Mmmm, okay, Adrian.

Meanwhile I see that the CENF is playing with ideas on managing traffic in Crouch End. It appears that north-south traffic would be severly impeded if thsi proposal were taken on board. 

We know from the Wightman Bridge closure where the traffic is likely to be displaced to were this proposal adopted. So let's hope the Council keeps an eye on the wider picture. 

Is "lets hope" enough?

We'll probably be fine though -

Haringey should be delivering all over the borough like Hackney are doing. There is no reason why the Ladder can't have similar traffic reduction measures as are proposed for Crouch End. Cycling and walking need to be encouraged particularly now whilst everyone needs to avoid public transport and the car needs to be discouraged all over London. Being snippy about Crouch Enders gets nobody anywhere. 

We’ve been round this one before, Elizabeth. It’s not snippiness about people living in CE, it’s snippiness about the Council. And words of reassurance about the Council implementing any/everywhere butter no parsnips in Harringay: the residents pled with them to do that a couple of years back, to no effect. 

Not you Hugh but the person above who believes all Crouch Enders are up themselves rich pseuds. Haringey may be useless so perhaps the best option is to ask Hackney to take over.....

As we live through a time infected by the messaging of Brexit and Trump, it’s particularly important to call out any disparaging or blaming of groups of people who are deemed to be ‘other’. For the record, I don’t and never have disparaged people because of where they live in the borough, be it east, west or centre, nor do I condone others who do. 

Which is precisely why I called out Alan, who described Crouch Enders in disparaging terms.



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