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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I am not sure how aware you are of recent developments in relation to Liveable Crouch End so thought I would post a message as there is a consultation taking place which may impact on Wightman Road and the Harringay Ward generally. 
A new questionnaire has been launched by Haringey Council and one of the questions relates to the possibility of closing major roads such as The Broadway in Crouch End. 
If the Broadway closure were chosen as an option then the diverted traffic clearly would have a major impact on Wightman Road 
You may want to look at the questionnaire and the Liveable Crouch End website. 
From an FOI that I submitted to TFL I received the attached very basic traffic modelling information (with many assumptions)  which you may also find of interest. 
This  also shows the advantages and disadvantages of the different options.  Prior to the questionnaire being issued I had thought that these more radical options were not being considered, but as they are now being included and as Cllr Hearn (Haringey Cabinet Member leading on the scheme) is saying that TFL (the funder) will likely chose the  option put to them that is the most transformational then I think the option of Haringey closing major roads can’t be dismissed. 

Tags for Forum Posts: liveable crouch end, liveable neighbourhoods, traffic

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Yes, I've just seen a pamphlet posted on Facebook about closing the Broadway, on which they bemoan the loss of parking as detrimental to their businesses...

So this won't go through quietly.

Hadn’t seen this when I posted, Pete. Well done for submitting the FOI!!

By the way check planning app HGY/2020/0202 at Arena Shopping centre where Sainsburys wants to ectend their favilities to provide for online shopping  pick up and loads and loads of delivery vehicles coming and going....

Pure madness given the traffics difficulties of accessing this place. It would also seriously reduce the no. of parkin places in the supermarket car park,

Alarmingly ill thought through. If thought through at all!

Where is Living Streets Harringay Ladder? We clearly need to start campaigning to get Wightman Closed off to through traffic. If you can’t beat ‘em... And clearly this is all happening precisely *because* the Labour council has absolutely no joined up policy for reducing traffic. I don’t think they ever have. 

Wightman Road & the Ladder went through this a few years ago and were rebuffed at every turn by LBH  and a solution was imposed on Wightman Road & the Ladder. Engagement by LBH was sorely lacking despite enourmous work done by local residents.

Hence the current frustration

They didn't get millions from the council, though. That would have helped, eh? It's difficult not to see causality here. Crouch End gets a mountain of money thrown at it, the Ladder gets £0 and rebuffed. 

While I agree that Haringey does not have a joined up policy (sorely lacking!), it's also not clear to me that a global solution to the Ladder traffic problems looks any different from a holistic point of view to a local one. I'm thus supportive of the Crouch End initiative - if Crouch End goes through, it will be pretty transformational, and this will increase the pressure/change/support for changes to Wightman & the Ladder.

The bottom line for me is that the primary mechanism for traffic reduction is road capacity reduction, coupled with measures to support active travel. Crouch End achieves this: the global solution is Crouch End *and* something similar on the Ladder, not something completely different in Crouch End.

Also, I'm amazed that Crouch End traders are against this, all the evidence shows that cutting cars from high streets results in a significant boost to business.

If you believe the Crouch End Facebook groups everyone is against it - that's not true of course. The few of us who have thick enough hides to post positive comments can give endless stats from research about modal shift and business benefits but to little effect. Preserving the right to drive across Crouch End as part of your commute to work or school is apparently paramount. The Council haven't helped by limited public engagement and then a too short trial which they told no-one about in far enough in advance. 

DanielJ, I'm sure you are supportive, I doubt you live east of the tracks though.

We had a big pressure group in the past and the council would not engage. We proposed a similar scheme to the Crouch End proposal to LBH & they told us to get lost.

Why do you think nobody at LBH told us about the Crouch End scheme? I understand it was news to our councillors until about a week ago.

The traders on Green Lanes used their clout to frustrate the residents in that instance too, so I'm not at all surprised by the traders in Crouch End. They are all members of the Haringey Traders Alliance and they work in concert. Ever been on Green Lanes during the weekend after midday?


and that's just one of the threads at the time.

I used to live on Wightman Road  - some time ago now mind - but am a regular visitor on the W5 or by foot I know the problems you face. The scheme was featured in the much maligned Haringey newsletter  - perhaps more people should read what the council shove through their letter boxes

Well there's a thankyou about the initial trial on p. 7 of Haringey People 12/19-1/20

Re consultation, all it says is "Results are being published online ahead of a full public consultation in 2020".

And with a closure date of tomorrow, Sun Feb 2nd, if it iswritten up in the Feb-Mar edition it'll be too late for the consultation.

See what they did there....

Full item here:

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on our Liveable Crouch End trial, held from Monday 7 October to Sunday 20 October 2019. Following the temporary changes to the road layout, the design team had lots of data to analyse. This includes feedback from the emergency services, buses, TfL, results of our perception surveys and from the hands-up surveys we asked schools to undertake, as well as questionnaire results and feedback sent via email.

Results are being published online ahead of a full public consultation in 2020.

Your input will help inform the next stage of Haringey’s proposals to make Crouch End greener, and to improve options for cycling and walking.

We understand the trial caused some disruption and would like to thank you for your patience.

Find out more about the Liveable Crouch End trial – supported by £4.8million of Transport for London funding – at www.haringey.gov.uk/liveable-crouch-end

There were pieces earlier on in the process as well . My first contact with the project was in June 2018 when I was told about it by the Crouch End Neighbourhood Form. I accept you need to have a pretty niche interest in either clean air initiatives, local government or traffic planning to have known about it before then.



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