Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The council have said they are proceeding with the demolition of London's only Latin village, in Seven Sisters, despite objections from local businesses and even the United Nations, which warned it would damage cultural life.

More information here: https://www.enfieldindependent.co.uk/news/17391041.haringey-latin-m...

Save the Latin village page - https://www.facebook.com/SaveLatinVillage/ and http://www.latinvillageuk.org

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Well researched and thorough piece. 

Yes Dave Hill makes quite a lot of ingteresting and valid points. And I agree that politicians do not have a very simple job. But it is just too easy to allow them to get a way with this as an excuse for the mediocrity that is passing for 'regeration' in Seven Sisters.Different cjhoice swere and are still available.

Do not forget that we will live with THEIR choices for at least a generation!

And let us not forget that they go into politics freely and reap some benefits from it too!

So I just DO NOT agree that things were set in stone from early on. There were several occasions when a stronger leadership with a different and MORE INCLUSIVE vision could have altered the way things have panned out.

Precisley because Grainger is such a big concern they could have modified the plans and cost implications could have been different. We witnessed how tha Apex House deal transpired.....didn't we.

But as I said and continue to say it needs LEADERS that have a different and MORE INCLUSIVE VISION of what they feel the neighbourhood should be like and just how much they TRUST thier own constituents to help inform their difficult choices and decisions.

They also need to want the present stakeholders to benefit from the so called 'regeneration'. It is MUCH HARDER to do than to just get replacements in and shove the problems out of the neighbourhood. In fatc it is very rare.  But then these people claim to have that concern at the heart of their ideology.

Also a bit more honesty would be welcome. If their hands are tied then they could also let constituents know what teh issues are and  what the choices are and allow US to help inform the decisioins.

These decisions will continue to have their effects for generations to come.

They knocked down the cinema on the Apex house site and built a carbuncle that didn't last longer than a generation. They are replacing it by a high rise that casts a long shadow over the neighbourhood and is really very ordinary. The Grainger building proposed for the Wards Corner site is very very ordinary and you just cannoyt justify demolishing the existing buildings for what is proposed . The least we could insist on is some  replacement that really will lift the plaCE. I AM SORRY TO SAY THE PRESENT PROPOSAL WILL JUST  MAKES THINGS WORSE.

In a few years we will be able to say '"I tol;d you so".


And here is what the market has been up against for all of you saying 'hurrah' to demolition....

Open Letter to Haringey Leader Ejiofor calling him out for being wo...

This place has been neglected BY HARINGEY council so that they could claim that it needed 'regeneration".

Just building a new building IS NOT regeneration but property speculation or investment if you wish. Real developement would focus on helping those stakeholders who are on site and need help.

Read the letter and see what they got instead. So do not criticise the traders who have been blighted by this ill thought out scheme for many many years...

This is all because of the London Plan. A mathematical equation to determine how densely a property developer is allowed to build (e.g. small flats and high rise vs large houses, big gardens). The equation takes into account proximity to a transport hub (PTAL), and the bigger the hub, the bigger the value. Some detail here. This must have been great for TfL who own a lot of land near railway stations but in some situations, like at Seven Sisters, there is a mathematical singularity where the only constraint on how densely you can build is how high it's feasible to build. I don't think this was down to any politicians, this was down to whoever wrote the London Plan (*cough* TfL *cough*).

You know that in other areas of London and the UK where there are 'well heeled' residents this sort of things happens much less.

Also even if we agree that higher densities are necessary to get more homes built in London, there are ways of doing this that doesn't exclude the stakeholders that should be the first to benefit from any 'regeneration process! Tat s not the case here as the very people that should be 'supported' by the council and others will be the first vioctims of the 'regenration'.

So it begs the question. What is the point of it all?

demolition of London's only Latin village

Bound to happen once they stopped teaching Latin in local schools. 




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