Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi all

Does anyone know what is happening with the planned restaurant in the old Chickentown building? Are the Bistrotheque team still planning to take it on? On any particular timeline? I’m planning a tiny wedding and thought it might be a good place for a post registry office meal...

Any clues or rumours welcome!


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I'm sure there's some kind of functioning restaurant in there right now - I walked past last week on the way to Marcus Garvey Library to get visitors parking permits (very successful expedition - brilliant service compared with the hades of Wood Green Library).  There were sandwich boards on the pavement advertising quite an appetising looking offer.  I can't remember what the food was though because that wasn't my interest at the time and I didn't see a restaurant name - in fact the odd anonymity of it is what made it stick in my mind.

Oh - interesting! Will have a look this weekend. Thanks for the tip off.


I imagine if that was the new place that Pablo Flack (Bistrotheque) was opening there would have been some fanfare over it, so hopefully that's not fallen by the wayside. It was supposed to open in May last year...and there's very little press I can find about it on google. All news seems to be his new opening in Manchester...

Chicken Town - Where is that?

Search Chicken Town in the box top right.

I wonder if the last Haringey Clowncil ever got their £210,000 softest possible loan back?

"There were sandwich boards on the pavement advertising quite an appetising looking offer." What you probably saw were boards outside the cafe at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre. The former Chickentown premises are still closed, and not advertising anything.

Thanks Larklander.
As it's just over a year since the great news was announced that "Pablo's team will take on the responsibility for replaying the existing loan of  £210,000", I guess we'll have to wait patiently a little longer.
Just like the Council Tax people, Parking Enforcement staff, and everyone's mortgage company. landlord, builder, greengrocer, plumber, car mechanic, nursery, etc etc.
All smilingly postponin' payments /repayments.

I see trees of green........ Red roses too
I see em bloom..... For me and for you
I see everyone shaking hands.....
Sayin.. 'What do you know?
They're really sayin...
'Forget the dough'.
And I say to myself, 'What a bountiful world'



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