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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

im sorry but I think there needs to be some regulations about fireworks. I know friends who think they should be banned apart from the official sites, but I’m not quite this radical

but this year they have been never ending with more fireworks now  going off in the road opposite.

if you happen to have cats or dogs, you are bound to have at least one scared to death. You might only have fireworks for 10minutes but that terror makes some animals hide and tremble for hours. And how can we keep our animals shut safe indoors, when fireworks seem to happen whenever now

I’m  stressed as one of my traumatised cats, has spent the last 2weeks hiding under the skirting board every night, including tonight, another weekday. With more fireworks going off

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Fireworks. Armageddon re pets.

Our dog has been like a piece of wilted lettuce since fireworks season started. I love fireworks but I don't particularly see why private individuals need to have access to them, seems like a recipe for disaster. 

I also love fireworks but I think it needs to be more regulated. At least if it was only the Fri and Sat before and after guyfawks, it limits it

Maybe all those people who insist on home fireworks through the week, could give a little thought and consideration to all the poor terrified animals

I don't even mind how long the season it goes on, it just seems stupid to let untrained people buy exploding fire sticks.

We were walking with the dogs in Ally Pally at the end of Nov last year one evening and some norks turned up and started letting off massive rockets apropos nothing. The dogs were scared of the fireworks but it was nothing as to the bellowing terror we inflicted on the people with the fireworks, who ran away sharpish. Probably lucky for them, as they'd found it difficult to get the sticks in the ground & were trying out holding them for takeoff. 

It's not just animals who get traumatised but people especially older people. And the rest of us lose sleep as they go on into the night. I reckon we've had 3 weeks of fireworks this year. Enough, already! And they are dangerous for sure, plenty of people get injured- is that just collateral damage? More control is needed. 

Gosh I feel like a really grumpy old sod. When actually I also love home fireworks and don't want them stopped particularly as they give so much fun and entertainment to so many people

Just some regulation


I can sympathise, our dog used to shake uncontrollably. A trip to the pet shop in Crouch End who recommended trying 'Pet Remedy' (other brands are available... probably!) has helped. It comes in a little spray bottle.

Spray it where they tend to sit or lie. I was VERY skeptical, but it really has helped reduce his stress, not completely, but it makes a massive difference to our dog.

The other side affect is the cat's love it, one can smell it from anywhere in the house and literally rolls around on it's back where you've sprayed it. Hilarious, and takes their mind of the fireworks for a bit too.

Valium for cats & dogs. Nice.

I think this year has been a bit more fireworky than normal because as well as Guy Fawkes there’s also been Divalli and the centenary celebrations of independence in Poland and Latvia, all within a couple of weeks

What annoys me is that the law says fireworks must cease by 2300, except on 5th Nov and 31st Dec when it's midnight. But they regularly go on much later, due presumably to ignorance of the law. It needs better publicity.

Ignorance of the law maybe but also lack of care/thought for other people in the surrounding area. And I wonder who is going to enforce the law? 

Look around you.

There is a law about dumping rubbish in the street. There is a 20mph speed limit. There are laws about drugs.

Do you really think people care about the law ?



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