Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

on the back of Admin’s note about burglaries earlier i thought i’d let you know about a few strange things that have happened over the past couple of months...

i’ve noticed an increase in people “loitering” around the passage on Hewitt Road, and back in march it looked like there was some sort of “stake out” going on. i took a couple of pictures and noted the time it was (sat march 23 at around 10am) just in case i heard of any incidents.

fast forward to saturday just gone (19th may), and i noticed there were two guys directly outside my house (actually sitting on my wall). i opened the door and asked if i could help them, and they said they were waiting for one of their’s girlfriend. there’s no law against standing on the street, or even sitting on my wall, so i didn’t worry too much about it. about half an hour later i had to go to green lanes, and they were STILL there, so when i got back (10mins or so later) i took a picture of them- they’d moved to the north entrance to the passage by then. when i had another look some 10mins later they’d gone.

then, just now, (about 7pm monday 21 may) i heard a noise in my front garden, looked out the window and saw a pushbike leaning up against my open garden gate. when the door bell didn’t ring, as i was expecting, i opened the front door and found a young man (early 20s, black with short dreadlocks, dressed in black jogging pants and a hoody) bending down on my porch scooping up a load of money - probably £4-£500 in £10s and £20s. 

obviously i was a bit shocked, so i asked what he was doing in my house, to which he replied, “i’m not actually in your house” and he scuttled away saying “sorry about that” a couple of times. i wasn’t able to get a picture this time!

if i wasn’t going out i would have called 101, but my son and i have gone out for an appointment.

i’m posting this more as a warning to everyone to be aware and be careful - the next time i see something a bit weird i WILL be calling either 999 or 101.

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Your local SNT are out and about carrying out plain clothed patrols tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. If you see anything suspicious again please contact us on 07920233786 and ring 101

Now that I have a beard I get offered drugs by these guys. I suggest that you don't just go plain clothes but stop shaving too. When they're not in Hewitt Rd they're ranging further south and I sometimes see them on Wightman Rd too, never on Green Lanes. They seem quite harmless and just ask me if I "smoke" or would I like some "brown".

are you out patroling tonight?

It's drug dealing Ed, happening at all times of the day & night, a combination of on foot, bike or car, across the ladder and it seems particularly at junctions of the roads with the passage. As you can see the police are aware ... trouble is it all happens fairly quickly then they're off elsewhere.

Glad you mentioned this Osbawn. There are one or two regular characters who stand at the top of the steps on the Culross estate walkway looking down at people passing by. Residents going up the steps to their flats have to squeeze between these guys and it must be intimidating; at the weekend I saw a young woman have to do this with the guys facing her. She was on her own. The fact they are at the top of a steep set of steps must also make it more intimidating to residents having to go up and then pass them. 

It’s ironic that the SNT got the council to remove the slide from the nearby playground on the basis that drug dealing was going on behind it. I said then, as I do now, that the problem was the lack of police / wardens and not playground design. Anyway, perhaps SNT could look into this issue.

The last couple of times I’ve walked down the passage (Saturday late afternoon and late Wednesday afternoon) there have been very obvious deals being done at the Hewitt junction.  Both occasions it was two young white men dealing from an older white man who was busy doing the transaction very loudly on his mobile (aparantly Steve would be able to sort them out)

I might add that police patrols have now dwindled to the point that I haven’t seen a police car patrolling the area for at least six months and I don’t think I have ever seen officers patrolling on foot. So, no surprise really.

Yes, but plain clothes police don't, naturally, provide a deterrent (as opposed to gathering intelligence), hence my comment that this sort of activity is not surprising. Furthermore, you can't flag down an unmarked police car, or ask plain clothes officers for assistance as you don't know they're police.

Hello Paulie, I'm sorry if that has been your experience in recent months. However it is not one myself and my colleagues recognise. We are out on patrol in Harringay ward either on foot or by car almost every day we are on duty. Follow us on Twitter @MPSHarringay for updates on our patrols.

Thanks. What would you advise anyone seeing dealing to do? Is it useful to know descriptions, times etc? A genuine question - I see a fair bit at the Seymour junction. 

To be fair Paulie, we have a pretty active neighbourhood team. I both see them out on the streets and at various community events.

They were also pioneers in using social media in the shape of HoL about ten years ago to stay ion touch with us all. It's great to see their activity levels on HoL increasing again. 

Hugh, I was being fair. I never see police patrolling the area on foot or even by car and when I mentioned this to my wife this morning she said she never saw them either. Their attendance at community events and online presence may or may not be a good thing but it is irrelevant to the point I made.



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