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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Does anyone know what's opening on Green Lanes where the old Class International food shop used to be?

Although work has been going on for some months, it seems to be ramping up now although it still isn't clear what the new business will be... 

If anyone has any news, please share! 


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I am prepared to bet that it will begin to struggle as a business, before planning enforcement takes effect. I had a peek through the window on the weekend. Looks like a timber clad discotheque.

... ok I'm not big on social media, but I was posting on something else and spotted this thread....in case anyone is interested they applied for opening hours and alcohol consumption until 1.30 am every day both ON and OFF the premises. They applied to be open till 2am 7 days a week. I was not keen so I dropped the council an email - the council wrote to me the other day saying that the matter will be heard by the licencing sub-committee on 11th May. (sounded like it was more about knocking the shops into one than the opening hours though ...)

Thanks for flagging up the sub-committe date. Just so everyone is clear, the applicant's request for a licence will be heard as a completely separate matter to the planning case. So, no matter what issues of legality arise with the planning matter, they will not impinge at all on the licensing one.

Given the other licences already granted on the Harringay stretch of Green Lanes, it is unlikely that this application will be refused. 

I'm tempted to post up all the correspondence I've had with the council over the planters the FoHP installed in Falkland Rd so people can see how the community is dealt with in comparison to local businessmen.

As many restaurants as there are, (having lived in Salisbury Mansions,) I feel diners looking out onto Salisbury Road will make it safer with more social activity.

If another business could use this site, and afford the high business rates, providing some balance, all the better for diversity to our high street.

Just opposite (not too long ago,) there was a murder on the passage behind the Suffolk Punch, now Ladbroke's. This left many residents uneasy that anything like this could happen on their doorstep, I am still astonished that lighting has not been improved on this location, especially as the incident occurred at night. What rationale could be given as to why intervention was not deemed necessary, at a period when 'designing out crime' was such a breakthrough. (Only now has Haringey employed a solitary Urban Designer in the planning team.) I'd be grateful to any of our Councillor's willing to redress this lack of importance committed to design, when improvements are so tangible.

Lighting on Salisbury Road has only now been renewed, though there is still only three (now LED,) lamp posts on what is already a dark road.

The recessed rear access to what was Fairline food market is dark and intimidating to any passing pedestrian, lighting, ledgeability and defensible space are key issues in improving safety, a gate and lighting on the passage opposite, would go a long way to making Salisbury Road feel safer at night, and improve security for shops and residences from the rear of Salisbury Parade.

The latent traffic on Salisbury Road is diabolical for residents, the traffic lights are on too short a phase, allowing three cars to cross Green Lanes and two to turn left, this lack of flow, only compounds congestion.

Update here

The Evening Standard has picked up on this story and are seeking people or a photo call this evening.

Heard this is going to be discussed on BBC London this morning.

The owners of this premises have made an appeal against the enforcement action taken against them by Haringey (some of you may have received an email about it today)

The Planning Inspectorate appeal references are APP/Y5420/C/17/3197257 & APP/Y5420/C/17/3187258(Linked case)

Enforcement action was taken on the grounds that there was an unauthorised installation of a shopfront.

The appeal has been made on the following grounds.

Ground (a) – that planning permission should be granted for what is alleged in the notice.

Ground (g) – that the time given to comply with the notice is too short.

If you wish to make comments, you can do so online


By email


Or you can send three copies of your comments to:

The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3E,Temple Quay House
2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN

All representations must be received by 25 April 2018 and you must quote the appeal references above

The appeal documents are available for inspection at 6th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, London, N22 8HQ between 10:00hrs and 16:30hrs between Monday and Friday.

I do hope that Haringey haven't messed up the enforcement. 

I've looked at the appeals on the Planning Inspectors site and it seems that the lead case (3187257) concerns 'material change of use to a restaurant'. It is the linked case (3187258) that's about the shop front.

Do you have any experience to know what sort of resident representations will have any effect at this stage? I imagine that there's no use simply repeating our original objections. Won't this be more about legal technicalities?

Yes, it’s about whether Haringey acted properly and within their powers.  All the original objections will be available to the Planning Inspector when they determine the appeal but if there is anything new people would want to submit now if the time to do it.  I can’t see that Haringey acted improprerly but that’s up to the PI to decide.

I think you've got those links the wrong way round, Hugh



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