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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just witnessed a moped mount the pavement and snatch a phone from a woman on Green Lanes opposite the Salisbury. I was in a moving car and we couldn’t stop safely. All happened so quickly I didn’t even catch a glimpse of the driver. Did anyone else see this? I think the woman was ok but must be shaken. Be vigilant everyone.

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Thanks for the heads up. I do hope this won’t become a regular occurrence in our neighbourhood.
Me too! I hope they catch him.
I think it may be a little bit too late for that it’s already rife in Harringay, Camden, Crouch end and most of North London. Do you know that out of the 16,000+ Moped snatching incidents this year 9,000 have taken place in Harringay and Camden. Just last week I heard someone running down my street screaming ‘drop it, drop it’ as they chased the speeding moped rider. It’s a real shame....

That's a shame. (I hope you mean Haringey, the whole borough, rather than Harringay, our neighbourhood).

Most of it will be in Camden but I've witnessed snatches and attempted snatches in Haringey. Manor House is the worst area for it in these parts.

Mind you sometimes I consider a career as a phone snatched myself. Walkers are always getting in my way on my run commute. Heads down in their phones, meandering across the path any which way, completely oblivious to anything around them!
I am sad to hear this. I know it’s going on everywhere but as I hadn’t heard it happening on Green Lanes I was hoping they were avoiding doing it here as Green Lanes has a reputation for looking after it’s own. I have no question that most of the people working and owning shops on GL would come out in force to stop this sort of thing happening around here or maybe I am being naive but I know hat the only place when the riots started in Tottenham they avoided like the plague was GL . My friend got her phone almost snatched out of her hand in Highgate but when she looked at the driver of the moped she realised he was literally a child so she punched him and he sped off , can’t be too careful tho with all the acid attached and they may have knifes . I think best people just keep their phones in their pockets for now as annoying as it is. If people do t have their phones out in their hands they can’t do a drive by and steal them .
I always use a headset to talk and take calls when I am on the move. I almost never walk with my phone in my hand. It is pretty much alway in a pocket!
Yes, it was a robbery on the Italgold jewellery shop, in which the woman jeweller was hit over the head. Very frightening for her. One suspect was caught by police, other got away. Report here: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/jeweller-attacked-as-she-tack...
Omg, how terrifying, and this was just down the road, never heard. Anything about this raid
But as for mobiles, it’s everywhere and can’t believe how many people still stroll down the road on their phone without even a good grip on the phone. Walking targets

And just to add another story as a reminder to be vigilant... Sainsbury's delivery man dropping off our groceries about 2pm on a Saturday and saved a guy from having his phone snatched by two guys on a moped on St Ann's Road. He said he just sensed the bike coming up and quickly realised they were on the path and aiming to grab a guy's phone at a bus stop.



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