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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Now here's a nice idea, courtesy of the Islington Tribune, via the Finsbury Park Blog:

The citizens of Highbury will “celebrate their neighbours” tomorrow (Saturday) in the first of a planned series of events to help people cope with the recession.

Dozens of events are taking place, involving individuals, voluntary organisations, churches and North London Central (formerly Finsbury Park) Mosque.

To help create community spirit, pubs, cafés and shops will be offering food and drink, often free or at reduced prices, for the day.

At the same time residents are being asked to look out for the lonely, the elderly or disabled people who may be stuck at home.

Katherine Wratten, a psychology student, is behind a project which she hopes will bring people together. "The aim is to get people to appreciate each other and the area and also support our wonderful small shops and businesses, which are the bedrock of our community," she said. "We want to show what Highbury has to offer".

"But it will also be an opportunity for people to get to know their neighbours, possibly for the first time."

Now this is certainly something we should do for Harringay. What do you think folks?

Tags for Forum Posts: local ideas, neighbourliness, neighbours

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I saw this on the FP blog last week and then promptly forgot about it what with all the excitement around The Tornado coming through Harringay and all - oops!

I think the idea would work brilliantly with all the shops, cafes and local businesses which are on Green Lanes. The reason I joined HoL initially was to meet my neighbours and to feel part of my local community. I think this initiative sits really well alongside the good deeds which were done by Harringay residents with the Do-Gooder Army a little while ago. That project seems to be going from strength-to-strength (and so it should!) -

What do others think?
i have big space to host this on hermitage rd?
Dan and Annie, I'm all for something like this going on. How can we can get started? Still kicking around the memory bench idea.
Thanks Dan - that's very generous. I thought the first thing to do would be to contact the girl who got the Finsbury Park "celebrate your neighbours" initiative off-the-ground to see how she got things started and importantly see if she has some tips for a similar "improved" project for Harringay. I'll make some enquires this week and we can go from there?

Definitely still love the memory bench idea Liz. Just checked the Haringey Council site and the application deadline for new "Making the Difference" proposals 2009/10 is 31st March. I can have a go at an initial draft and then share it on HoL for everyone's input and ideas. This is a really fun project that I'm sure will get everyone's creative energy buds bursting!
Due to unfortunate work distractions, I have an apology to make to HoL-ers - the deadline for the "Making the Difference" proposals nearly slipped me by had it not been for Liz's gentle reminder yesterday on Twitter. As a result, I sent a "brief" proposal to outline the Memory Bench idea to Sharon who is responsible for applications by the 11th hour last night. I had wanted to put more work into this, but I hope an outline of the idea will ignite the imaginations of the people allocating cash and we'll get a positive response. Fingers crossed for a future colourful place for us all to meet and chat!
Gosh, thanks for that Annie. It has slipped my mind too with all the other things going on. Perhaps we can launch it at the Festival?
I think launching it at the Festival would be a great idea. I'll check what the timescales are in terms of us hearing back and let you know if it's feasible.



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