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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

How about this for damned cheek. The latest councillors' briefing explains that the Ladder roads were closed last night (Thursday) at the request of the police. It goes on to say that they've been reopened this evening (Friday) after consultation with the residents.

Has anyone been consulted?

See full briefing attached,

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Funny, Onslow Gardens, Woodland Gardens, and Woodland Rise, ALL in Muswell Hill N10, all back streets, have ALL been gritted again overnight and are perfectly free of ice. I have had this confirmed by my father who lives up that way.

None of the above N10 roads are through roads of any significance, and all are less steep than Allison Road in N8.

Allison Road is listed as a priority 2 road, as are the rest of the ladder roads, so unless people start calling and hounding the council, we won't see any grit for the entire cold spell.

So, I urge people to start calling the council's out of hours team on 020 8489 0000 throughout the day and night over the weekend, asking for emergecncy gritting services, explaining that emergency services will be unable to reach any of us, and that the frail, mobility impared, and elderly, are trapped inside.

The more people that call, the better as far as I can see. Pressure is all that HC will bow to.

Just make sure you get a reference number - if we all get our own reference numbers, they'll have a whole pile of cases to answer to on Monday.
Mattison road is impassable this Sat morning. Vans and cars getting stuck halfway up and turning back.

I would favour that the road should be closed as sooner or later a car will slide into a parked car or worse.
Absolutely agree Patrick. It's madness to have reopened these roads. Don't get the logic nor the need to pretend it was done in consultation with folks who live here.
i live half way up mattisopn rd- and cars are mostly getting stuck outside my flat-its like an icy ski slope-pair of skis should be useful
But no.I dont think we should be priority for salt, looking at other areas of UK-not that its meant to work on this kind of compacted ice-think its right the road has been closed-its not up to residents-its a matter of safety, its totally treachorous,instead of moaning why dont people get out pick axes and try to shovel some of the snow away on th pavements like they have been doing outside my flat
Plan tomorrow to knock on street doors around me to see if any oldies around who need help with provisions-
Isnt it more important to think about what we can do to help rather than sitting smuggly in our 4X4's (for those who have them)
The roads Joe mentioned are all designated as priority 1 roads. These are defined as "heavily used roads, main roads, roads that have bus routes and roads where risk from snow fall is higher due to steeper gradients of roads." (See more here.)

Personally, I don't buy the view that roads in N10 are favoured by dint of their location. However it would be interesting to understand more about how each road is classed for these purposes. Now if we could just get the council to restrict the traffic flow to match our priority grading..............

I lived on Muswell Hill Road for some 25+ years, so know that area very well, and drove past these roads today in order to collect some grit for our road. They are certainly no more main route like than ours are. Also, they are not steeper either, just longer. Indeed as you rightly echo, they are all classed as P1 roads. Given that they are very like in nature to our roads (please remember that Allison is very steep indeed), I can see no reason that ours are not P1's too.

If anyone should happen to think that we should remain classified as P2, then that's fine with me and I will know to prepare grit reserves of my own for future, but in that case, I think it reasonable to expect that the roads I have mentioned up in N10 are downgraded from P1 to P2, to make things fair over the borough.

I will certainly be calling the Chief Exec's office on Monday to ask questions and to express my discontent at thier priority planning and placement of zero grit bins in this area.
You're right Joe, there does seem to be something to understand about how the roads are classified. I guess all I'm saying is that I'm not assuming any difference is down to favouring roads because they're in Muswell Hill.

Quite selfishly, I've rather enjoyed Hewitt being a P2 road. The quiet's been bliss. I just wish we could make it permanently P2 from a traffic usage point of view..
I just received confirmation from the council leader, Cllr Kober that the roads in Muswell Hill were not gritted the other evening, this was confirmed to her by her by the council's emergency planning manager.

It is possible that residents used salt from local grit bins and gritted the roads themselves.

There is in issue with the classification of roads however and I will be taking this up with the council next week.

Cllr Karen Alexander

The Leader has either been mis-informed, or is mis-informing you.

Certainly all the roads I have mentioned in Muswell Hill and Highgate are both residential back roads as well as P1 listed. There are indeed a number of other clearly residential only roads that I seen in and around Muswell Hill, and which are listed on the council's own documentation. Some of these roads have local councillors residing on them. Another has an ex-minister of transport, and so on. However, all are mere residential roads, with no special care homes, no schools, and no bus routes.

Haringey Council have been regularly gritting P1 roads, as confirmed by your own site. Indeed Haringey Frontline Services confirmed that the Council has been gritting the entire P1 network, and that set of roads alone. So there is no reason I can see that you'd leave certain P1 roads out, and certainly, I've seen that Haringey have not been neglecting these roads with my own eyes, and the tyres of my own car when I was out early on Saturday morning.

More so, residents of Onslow Gardens and other surrounding roads certainly were not up bright and early trooping off to their local grit bin - their road WAS gritted overnight on Friday / Saturday, along with all the other P1 listed roads that I drove past. This was also confirmed to me by a local resident, if the physical evidence I found, and the verbal evidence given by HC's own staff is not enough to go by.

Why back roads of Muswell Hill and Highgate get P1 status, while we remain listed as P2 down on the Harringay Ladder beats me, and anyone else I've spoken to, including colleagues of yours in Haringey Council (although unfortunately, not any that seem to be able to make any changes or influence this situation).

I was indeed told by a member of your out of hours service, that this was certainly the case, that he too would be very annoyed by this if he were a resident here, and that I should lodge my complaint on Monday. So I have now lodged a complaint with the Council CEO's office, as well as with a journalist for North London News (Muswell Hill, Crouch End, and Tottenham Journals), and will know to take anything that the Leader says with a very small pinch of salt (pardon the pun).

Hopefully someone at Haringey will decide that either our ladder roads can be upgraded to P1, or those back roads of Muswell Hill and Highgate should be downgraded to P2, so that we all receive the same level of service borough wide, which currently is NOT the case at the moment, despite the claims from your Leader.

So, please take that back to your Leader, and ask them to re-assess their thinking.

Also, while you're there, please ask the Leader's office to arrange for a salt bin to be placed at the Wightman Road end of either Hewett or Allison, as the corners of these roads are very dangerous to both pedestrians and motorists alike. Currently, we are either having to buy salt ourselves, or go searching for salt bins up in Muswell Hill (where they seem to get refilled), neither of which is an acceptable state of affairs!
Just add a respectfully dissenting view here Joe. I'd much rather stay P2 and have the roads closed as required. I'm very reluctant to do anything to encourage more traffic here.....ever.....even fro a few days.

Traffic is traffic, and living in London, we tend to get it. That's my opinion.

Having our roads salted would allow the elderly and frail to move about.

But regardless, as I've said in the post above and before, all I expect is the same level of service delivery as those in other areas of our borough get. So, if we are to remain P2, that's perfectly fine, but other roads that meet the same criteria as ours, but which are currently P1, should be downgraded to P2.

I can't see any reason that we should accept that another area should get higher levels of service than we do.

Apologies if that point hasn't been clear - I am simply after equality, but personally, think that we should have our roads gritted - it's far quicker to salt a road than a pavement, and the old folk I've spoken to would have been more than happy to walk down a gritted road, than an icy pavement. There are some folk stuck up at Wightman Road end of the ladder that just can't get down to the shops, and that's no good at all, regardless of your desires for more or less traffic.
re. "Having our roads salted would allow the elderly and frail to move about"
Also, the emergency services. As I walked up Allison this morning, I passed a police car stuck on the ice and two police officers trying to explain to their base over the radio why they couldn't move after attending a call.



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