Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

With your support and confidence behind us on May 22nd you can help build a fairer Harringay, a fairer Borough and send a clear message that the residents of Harringay ward believe in social justice, community cohesion, the opportunity for all to thrive and equality.

Our key priorities for the borough:

  1. We will freeze Council Tax for four more years
  2. We will invest £25million improving our pavement and roads making them more pedestrian and cyclist friendly
  3. Every school and childcare setting will be rated good or outstanding by Ofsted
  4. We will invest £1million putting more police on our streets
  5. We will deliver over 1,000 new affordable homes 250 of which will be built by the council

Labour’s Record in Harringay

  1. Campaigned on parks – making Ducketts Common, Fairland Park and Finsbury Park safer, cleaner and with more equipment. We have also secured money from the GLA for Harringay’s Pocket Park – improving the local environment between Allison Rd and the Salisbury Pub
  2. Tackled rouge landlords, with tough action like taking bad landlords to court. We have also secured tougher regulations in Harringay ward and new restrictions on converting properties in to smaller flats.
  3. Campaigned for the investment of record money into roads to improve the local environment for cyclists and pedestrians.
  4. Expanded the play streets scheme where a local road can be closed for a few hours allowing children and families in Harringay to play and have fun safely outside.
  5. Funding has been secured for 6 new roaming police officers
  6. We have secured a much needed pedestrian crossing on Green Lanes
  7. We have successfully campaigned for a new fixed camera on Wightman Rd to stop large lorries (HGVs) breaking weight restrictions and using the ladder as a rat run

We have also

  1. Fought for and increased support for the credit union to tackle legal and illegal loans sharks. Every child starts secondary school in Haringey will get a £20 credit union account to teach them about saving and the dangers of debt and ‘legal loan sharks’
  2. Supported Haringey 40:20 & plans to lower carbon emissions
  3. Campaigned for protecting and improving our local libraries – we are proud that Labour in Haringey has protected libraries despite unprecedented budget cuts from central government

 How the Liberal Democrat record damages Harringay locally

  1. Backing to cuts to Haringey services 13 times deeper than Tory boroughs like Richmond. This has decimated parts of the voluntary sector.
  2. Supporting the pernicious ‘Bedroom Tax’, hitting hundreds of disabled people
  3. Supporting police cuts that have seen 130 officers lost from Haringey’s streets.
  4. Supporting the privatisation of our NHS and putting local health services at risk

People in Harringay believe in fairness and social justice and the Liberal Democrats have abandoned that all together. They have supported Pickles, Duncan Smith and Osborne all the way.

The Liberal Democrats talk down Harringay but they have no positive vision for improving the ward or the borough and dealing with the big challenges. The Liberal Democrats in Harringay ward offer support for their party’s legacy of broken promises and Harringay Labour offer the opportunity for residents to help us build and support a fairer more inclusive community.

We want to see improvements to the local environment which means tougher action on landlords, betting shops, planning and licensing breaches. We also want to see improved safety for pedestrians and will continue to campaign for a crossing at Alroy Rd, traffic calming measures and improvements to pavements and roads.

Please use all three of your votes on May 22nd for Harringay Labour.

Cllr Gina Adamou

Emine Ibrahim

James Ryan

The Labour Party Candidates for Harringay Ward


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It takes a disabled person to give their view. The able bodied make a world into which everyone else has to fit. We have a disabled statute because the able bodied could not be trusted to make sure we had a voice that was heard and some protected rights. Shame on the able bodied but dont come crying to me. Black people feel the same about the way they are treated. Labour are supposed to be the caring social party;thats a joke as far as some of us are concerned.Let me say it again, the Disability Act would have been unnecessary if the able bodied were not so selfish. These local elections show that that selfishness is still a problem and more positive roles in public are what is needed.

How come you didn't stand?

Poor health for the past fourteen years has put paid to that. I could not put in the hours that councillors  should do and therefore would not be representing my community 100%.

Sorry Keith, couldn't reply to your last post, think it's reached the maximum number. How do you reach the conclusion that black or disabled candidates were not approached to stand as candidates or that black or disabled candidates were prevented from putting their names forward? At least one black Labour Party member living in St Ann's was and they are standing in a safe seat in the east of the borough.

I have not said people were prevented. I am genuinely shocked at the lack of black or disabled representation among candidates. Not enough is being done to overcome this problem and it is something I noticed at the last election.

I have no argument with that Keith. All parties need to be making greater efforts to get more black and disabled candidates interested and involved in politics. In this particular instance though, what would you have liked the Labour Party to do?

I would have liked Labour to spend the last four years or so putting apparatus into place that helped get more of the people I mention on board. There is a lot of talent out there not being tapped into by any of the parties.

Do you need to be taken out for a beer and a rant Keith? It's OK.

One day I might surprise you and turn up at The Salisbury.

I am curious as to how this works:

Funding has been secured for 6 new roaming police officers

Supporting police cuts that have seen 130 officers lost from Haringey’s streets.

Did these fundings come from different "pools" of money or similar. I'm just wondering why gaining six officers is a Labour success but losing 130 is nothing to do with Labour?

Hi Andrew

[From what I understand], it is the Greater London Authority budget (London's Mayor's Office) which fund policing in London. Due to cuts, the Met had to make £50m worth of cuts (or savings as people try to tell us). These cuts, have led to things like; closure of Muswell Hill Police Stn, making Hornsey Police Stn no longer 24hrs and cuts in police officers and staffing. 

The number of Police Officers and PCSOs lost in Haringey since 2010 can be seen here (123 Police Officers and 74 PCSOs). I appreciate you may view it as biased as it is also from a Labour politician, so you can see raw data from the Met Police via the Mayor of London's website by clicking here. (Pls note the data and my figures are up to Mar 2014 hence why I am saying 123 and not 130 - it could have risen in April 2014).

I think what is being proposed here is the fact Boris is in post until 2016 and Labour are therefore going to use council funds to pay for 6 officers as away of compensating for the loss to mitigate the risk to the public these cuts are having. This is now possible due to the "Local Policing Model". I think these officers are more neighbourhood officers (i.e. they won't be CID or Fraud Squad but actual "bobbies on the beat" [i.e. roaming] type). 

Whilst 6 officers will not be the solution to losing so many officers, it's something more than what the Tory cuts left us with. 

Personally I am in two minds, I dont think a council should pay for Boris' cuts to services he is in charge of but then I think, I wouldn't want someone to be stabbed, raped or mugged due to a lack of resources. Then I think, wait are we as tax payers paying twice? Then I think I wouldn't want someone to be stabbed, raped or mugged due to a lack of resources. 

Argh! I am now having the debate with myself again!!! :(

Just to add Seema, part of the funding for the Met Police comes from precept collected by local authorities. You see this as a separate item on your annual council tax bill.



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