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Unsociable impact of Finsbury Park Events on Stroud Green Residents

I have to post here to make some noise about the absolute antisocial nuisance of FPark events where I live. 

Let me start by saying I have lived here for 33 years and NEVER experienced the debacle that is the cack-handed organisation of Haringey licensing.

The so called 'brains' behind this have decided to implement a taxi/minicab/uber pick up point on Osbourne Road Stroud Green Road - which has had a dreadful impact on all the surrounding residential homes - up to 18 vehicles, stopping on the main road, disrupting traffic flow, 3 point turns in the middle of the road, stopping on the main road ie  parking up and waiting, a snaking traffic line around the very small one way system in front of small parade of shops underneath heavily populated flats and surrounding flat (which are people's homes!!). Both Friday 29 June and Sat 1 July the aggressive traffic of these cabs was relentless and I didn't get to sleep until 3am Friday, on Saturday 2am - HOW DARE HARINGEY BULLY RESIDENTS INTO THIS IMPACT ON OUR LIVING STANDARDS. 

This is NOT O2 Arena, nor Wembley or Glastonbury - this park is being turned into an income revenue and quite frankly DAMN the residents - with absolutely NO RESPECT and CONSIDERATION shown to people who live here.

Who in their infinite 'wisdom' thought creating this as the cab pick up point was a 'good' idea - is it because it is social housing and flats above shops ie rented - so they can just disregard and disrespect our rights? 

I telephoned @ 3 times Friday, young lady very pleasant, was promised a call back Saturday - guess what - nothing! I had to phone again twice from 4 pm regarding non existent call back - clearly shows they do not give a damn.

Finally Bale Garret called from Haringey Licensing and of course I was irate, as no one bothered to return a courtesy call, I had to chase them. Her communication manner was quite aggressive, yet she accused me of me defensive - guess what I am defensive, against my quality of life being aggressively impacted upon for events that do not benefit the community, but quite the opposite, causes problems.

I was promised the cab pick up point would cease at midnight and guess what - complete rubbish! I had to put up with honking horns from cabs, cabs descending on the pick up point, what seemed to be touting for business, shouting to people waiting to be picked up - all in the early hours of the morning ie from midnight to 2am.

I phoned the Haringey line again, and again the nice young Becky did her best, but the real power, complete dereliction of duty. No one in place to enforce the midnight cut off - again, where is the so called 'brains' of this operation??? they all baled out, and left no enforcement.

What I couldn't understand is I say a few plain clothes men randomly checking cab documents, and they were out after midnight, supposedly the cut off point, so why did they not tell cabs to vacate the area.

Stroud Green Road is NOT Holloway Road, it is a small local high street, and quietens down at night, hence loads of people live above shops.

This is unacceptable, and next weekend will be the same, cause these Haringey organisers will not pull their finger out to  correct this nuisance, why, because they don't give a damn.

The pick up should be the busy area of Manor House or FPark Station or as I suggested the bus terminal for W7, W3 and 210. Recently the W3 bus lane at the terminus was resurfaced, so a bus stop outside café and car wash was utilised. this means the 210 could be moved there as the pick up point and the cabs could use the 210 lane in the bus terminal - WITH staff to control flow of cabs and traffic.

There is also the 4,19, 236 and 106 terminus - again designated points for black cabs, so TFL Public Carriage Office should make either of these the preferred pick up points for cabs - created for traffic, not where residents homes are!

The plus point is this terminus is not surrounded by home and if staffed properly, would not cause problems.

Personally, turning Finsbury Park into a music event is a relentless impact on residents.

There is also the amount of rubbish left from people waiting at the parade of shops, near Osbourne Road, which was left and not cleaned up.

So you can see the 'benefit' to an ordinary resident - none at all....

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I’m with you on that.  The Lanes end of my street is like Sainsbury’s carpark on Sundays as people park up to shop/eat on GL

I was more after the parishioners who bring NOTHING to the area but congestion and pollution. The people who drive their families to the local restaurants on the other hand are welcome. Hmmm...

I welcome them too - on a bus

All Ramadan too to deter the Muslim worshippers ?

I take your point Tris, but it seems the organising is pretty ramshackle from the festival goers to the impact on residents. 

I say again, this is a densely populated area, not the 02, Wembley or Glasto. 

The rubbish debris left where the cab pick up point was designated, was not cleared, so that was another bonus of this event for residents.

To be kept awake by teems of uber cabbies descending on the pick up point, creating a tail back of traffic as they snaked into one way lane beyond 3am, which is normally a quiet time for my area was for me 'what have the concerts ever don for us?!'

There are more appropriate areas that can be designated pick up points - 45k people - really?

It's one thing to think, let's make some money, quite another to have the infrastructure and good planning in place.

Which from the comments of festival goers and the impact on local community was evidently Poor! 

It doesn’t seem the event per se that was the problem but the terrible organisation.  Maybe Haringey need to decide if Festival Republic are fit to be licenced for future events unless they have really put things in place to ensure that this does not happen again.

Also, Haringey needs to learn from the problems caused by allowing taxi pick ups where it did.  There have been some really good suggestions about how this could have been better dealt with so it’s not beyond their wit to look into these seriously - the Arena carpark isn’t a bad idea for instance - a direct stewarded and lit route from the event to the Arena from the Green Lanes/New River gate, queuing could be at the small car park at Sainsbury’s near the petrol station so away from residential areas, it can accommodate large numbers of both vehicles and punters and would be relatively easy to clean up at the end of the evening.

Hi Karen

I agree with John D. They should contest the PCNs. If you send me the details I will make a representation on their behalf.  I need license numbers and PCN numbers please, names and address. Can you confirm in the email about the lack of information. Send to zena.brabazon@haringey.gov.uk


Zena Brabazon

Cllr Harringay ward

A further point - It might be argued that posting temporary notices on lamp posts is sufficient publication of a change to the normal hours of permitted parking, but you can point out that nobody can be expected to read everything that is displayed on lamp posts including notices about lost pets, forthcoming gigs, Harringay Hurtles, school summer fairs, etc.

Network Rail were hand delivering letters to houses affected by the electrification works noise. Takeaway places do the same. The council do the statutory minimum, which is fair enough, but more can be done.

I’m no great fan of young Claire’s, but I don’t think you can lay every problem at her door, she wasn’t responsible for a 40% cut in council funding. Although some of her priorities I’d would question.

She should have pushed for local referendum on a 50% rise in council tax. Now that would have plugged some holes.

Yes Roger,

as you may know the area of Stroud Green is a boundary area, so one side is Islington and the other Haringey. 

it's just so unfair, I now have to spend an already stressful life,making phone calls to councillors to complain - I've already had to spend precious time on phone over a weekend in early hours of morning to complain to the event hotline - not how I want to spend my life...

Judging by the vitriol on twitter directed at Festival Republic, it sounds like the last two days have been a complete shambles. Huge queues for drinks and loos, and crushes at the exits that could have ended badly. A number of people have stated that the event was overcrowded.




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